I am the voice crying in the wilderness
John the Baptist
What is the book with the most chapters in the Bible?
In the Bible, before the story of the tower of Babel, people all spoke one language
The tower of Babel story is when people were then divided and scattered to different places of the earth with different languages.
The New Testament was written in which language?
How old was Methuselah when he died
If I perish I perish
Queen Esther
The last book of the old testament
Jesus had three earthly half-brothers.
Jesus had four earthly half-brothers: James Joses, Juda and Simon. (Mark 6 vs 3)
Who wrote the first five books of the Bible?
How old was Abraham when God told him to leave his family to go to a place God would show him?
75 years
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
The shortest book in the Bible
2 John
The word manna in the Bible means daily bread.
Manna is a Hebrew term which means "what is it"
What does the word Babel mean
How many souls were added to the kingdom after the sermon by the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost
For I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me
The Apostle Paul
This book is believed to be the oldest written book in the Bible
The book of Job
The Apostle James was the first Christian to be martyred
Stephen was the first martyr
Who was the father of Abraham?
Manasseh was the longest serving King in the Bible. How long did he rule for?
55 years