Who turned into a pillar of salt in the book of Genesis?
Lot's wife
(Genesis 19:26)
What did a women do to Jesus in the house of Simon the leper at Bethany?
Anointed him with oil
(Matthew 26:6-7)
Who wrote the book of Revelation?
John the Apostle
(Revelation 1:1)
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Who saved her family from destruction and eventually became the mother of Boaz and great-great grandmother of King David?
What prophet saw God give life to a pile of dry bones?
(Ezekiel 37)
Who was king when Jesus was born?
(Matthew 2:1)
Which church is said to have left it's first love?
Revelation 2:4
Who encountered God and was converted on his way to Damascus?
Who was a prophetess and judge that led Israel to victory over Jabin?
What did Elijah go up to Heaven in?
A whirlwind(2 Kings 2:1-14)
Who asked Jesus if they could be permitted to call down fire from heaven upon the Samaritans?
James and John
(Luke 9:52-54)
Those whose names were not written in the book of life were cast where?
Lake of Fire
Revelation 20:15
Who was sold into slavery and eventually became a "ruler in Egypt"?
Who was David's first wife?
Who was Cain's first son?
(Genesis 4:17)
What was the name of the member of the Sanhedrin who was a secret disciple of Jesus and who asked Pilate for Jesus' body after the crucifixion?
Joseph of Arimathaea
(Mark 15:42-45)
How many seals were on the scroll God held ready to be opened?
Revelation 5:1
Who defeated a giant as a young boy and eventually became a King?
She followed her mother in law into a foreign land after her husband died.
What was Hosea's wife's name?
Where was Paul's first stop on his first missionary journey?
(Acts 13:4)
How long was the dragon bound in the pit ?
1000 years
Revelation 20:3
Who did God make the first covenant with?
Prayed faithfully that God would give her a son. She also prayed that if she was given a son, she would devote him to God.