Gospel and Conversions
Council at Jerusalem
Missionary Journeys
Problems in the Churches/Letters

What three people heard the message of the Gospel and converted to Christianity during Paul's Second Missionary Journey? (Hint: We don't know the names for two of them, just their job.)

Lydia, slave girl, jailer


At the Council of Jerusalem, the Jews said that Gentiles have to be _____ before they can be a true believer. 



What happened at Paul at the city of Lystra? 

He was stoned. (but he didn't die)


What were the three parts of a Greek letter? 

Introduction/greeting, body, conclusion


What is the Gospel? 

The good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.


Did ALL Jews reject the spread of the Gospel and stick to the Old Covenant? Explain. 

NO, some Jews did convert and were interested in what he had to say! (Paul was a Jew, many Jews invited them to speak in the synagogues.)


How are we saved? 

We are saved by grace through faith, not by our works. 

Why were sorcerers and idol makers angry at the disciples for preaching the Gospel? 

In Ephesus, Paul rebuked traveling exorcists. What did the whole city do with their magic books after they saw this? 

takes away their jobs and money, 

they cast them in a pile and burned them 


What are the three types of problems in the church? 

Paganism, People, Thelogy


What were the disciples called for the first time in Antioch? 



What is kerygma? 

the basic truths of the Gospel, the content of what is preached/ the background of the Gospel


Name one Apostle and their response to the problem at the Council of Jerusalem. 



A man named Apollos was preaching the Gospel but he wan't doing it quite right. Which two people taught him what he didn't know about the Gospel? 

Aquila and Priscilla


Why were many of Paul's letters written like sermons? 

They were meant to be read out loud to a crowd. 


What is the difference between grace and mercy? 

Mercy is us not getting what we do deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. 


In Lystra, many men thought that Paul and Barnabas were gods. What other scene in Acts does this scene remind you of and how are the two scenes different? 

Herod Accepted the praise, Paul and Barnabas turned the glory to God. 


Do famous Christians have disagreements? Name an example. 

Peter and Barnabas agreed with the Jews at first but then got back on the train of truth.

Paul told Peter he was living like a hypocrite, because when other Christians came in to town he started acting like the Gentiles. 


What happened after Paul and Silas are put in prison? 

An earthquake opened the doors of the prison and the jailer was about to kill himself but Paul preached the Gospel to him and the jailer converted with his family. 


What are the four types of letters and an example of each? 

p. 212


Name three ways the OT is different than the NT?



What are the four parts of Paul's sermon? 

1) Reviewed old testament history from Moses to King David

2) Reviewed Jesus' life from ministry of John the Baptist to Jesus' resurrection

3) Quoted Scriptures proving that Jesus is the promised Messiah

4) declared that forgiveness is through Jesus the Savior alone


What was the solution for the problem at the Council of Jerusalem? The Council decided that Gentiles should do what four things when becoming Christians? 

Salvation is through faith in Jesus alone. 

Abstain from meat offered to idols, meat of strangled animals, blood, sexual immorality. 


Name four of the things that Paul said about the Unknown God in his famous speech on Mars Hill? 

p. 204


Make an example scenario for each of the three types of problems in the church? 

p. 227-229


Why do we need the armor of God? What armor does the Christian need and what does that armor mean? 

Memory Passage