Bible Truths Salvation 1
Bible Truths Salvation 2
Stories 1
Stories 2

Who can change a sinner's heart?

God alone can change a sinner's heart


Can children repent and trust in Christ for salvation?

Yes, Christ welcomes children to come to Him

 What is another word for salvation and saved?

Born Again of the Spirit


What happened to Zacchaeus do?

Zacchaeus repented of His sin and his heart changed.


What does the Holy Spirit use to change a sinner's heart?

God's Holy Spirit works through God's Word to create faith in us.


What is faith in Christ?

Faith in Christ is trusting Christ, who died and rose again, for our salvation.


Who does Jesus let come to Him?

Children and adults (everyone).

What did the people have to do in this picture to be saved from the snake bites?

The Israelites had faith by understanding, agreeing, and depending on God by looking at the bronze snake.


What does it mean to repent?

To repent is to hate sin as God hates it and to pursue obedience.


What must happen if we are to be right with God?

Our hearts must be changed such that God's desires become our delight.

Paul preached to the Ladies...What helped Lydia understand that she needed a Savior?

The Holy Spirit worked in her heart to listen to God's Word and she trusted in Him.


What did the bronze serpent on the pole represent?

Jesus on the cross, because they needed to have faith in Jesus' work to be saved.