Commands and Promises

What was the tenth and final plague that came upon the land of Egypt? 

The death of the firstborn 11:1-10


What was the emotional condition of Moses when he left Pharaoh after telling him of the plague coming on the firstborn?

He was hot with anger 11:8


What was to be eaten with the Passover lambs? (12:8)

1. Bitter herbs 2. Bread made without yeast 


Where was the Passover meal to be eaten by an Israelite family? 

Inside a single house; none of the meat was to be taken outside the house. 12:46


When Pharaoh had let the people go from his land, why did God not lead them toward the promised land through the Philistine country, even though it would have been a shorter route? (13:17)

For fear that the people would change their minds if they faced war, and return to Egypt 13:17


What instructions were given to the Israelites prior to the plague of the firstborn?

The men and women were to ask the neighbors for articles of silver and gold. 11:2


At what time did Moses tell Pharaoh that the Lord would strike the firstborn of Egypt?

Abut midnight 11:4


When was the meat of the Passover lambs to be eaten?

The same night they were killed 12:8


How were the Israelites to explain to their children the reason for their commemorating Passover week? (13:8)

They were to tell their children, "I do this be­cause of what the lord did for me when I came out of Egypt." 13:8


How were the Israelites prepared as they went up out of Egypt? (13:18)

They were armed for battle 13:18


When was each Israelite household to select its lamb for the Passover Feast?

On the tenth day of the first month 12:3


What were the Israelite families to do with some of the blood of the Passover lambs?  

They were to put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they ate the lambs. 12:7


What did the Lord tell Moses after Moses told Pharaoh of the coming plague on the firstborn? 

He had said, "Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt." 11:9


How long did the Lord tell the Israelites they were to observe the Feast of Unleav­ened Bread?

For generations to come (12:24)


Why did Moses take the bones of Joseph from Egypt?  

Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath that they would carry his bones from Egypt. 13:19


If a foreigner living among the Israelites wanted to celebrate Passover, what did the foreigner have to do first?

Have all males in his household circumcised 12:48


How was the meat of the Passover lambs to be cooked? (12:8,9)

It was to be roasted over open fire. 12:8-9


On Passover night, what did the Lord say would serve as a sign for Israel on the houses where the Israelites lived? 

The blood placed on the sides and tops of the doorframes 12:13 (see 12:7)


How were the Israelites instructed to answer when their sons asked the meaning of the re­demption of the firstborn? (13:14-15)

They were to tell of the Lord's killing of eve­ry firstborn in Egypt. 13:14-15


How long had the Israelite people lived in Egypt?

430 years 12:40


What 3 requirements were placed on the Passover lamb? 

1. be 1 year old 2. be male 3. be without defect 12:5


What 3 particular parts of the Passover lamb are mentioned in Exodus? 

1. Head 2. Legs 3. Inner parts 12:9


The Lord's Passover was to be eaten in haste. How was an Israelite to be dressed as he ate the Passover meal? (12:11)

1. He was to have his cloak tucked in to his belt 2. He was to have sandals on his feet. 3. He was to have his staff in his hand.


Who did the Lord say was not to eat the Passover meal (4 categories of people)? 

1. Any foreigner 2. Any uncircumcised slave 3. Any temporary resident 4. Any hired worker. 12:43,44


Who were to be consecrated to the Lord so that they belonged to him (2 groups)? 

1. Every firstborn male child 2. Every firstborn of all animals 13:2,12;34:19