What NFL football team used to be from St.Louis?
LA Rams
What did God make woman (Eve) out of?
Adam’s missing rib
In the beginning was the Word
What was Jesus’s first miracle and who initiated it?
Wedding at Cana (turning water into wine) and Mary
How many miracles are required to become a Saint?
2 Miracles
Riddle: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel
In what book is the story of Abraham found?
What is the shortest Bible qoute?
Jesus Wept
What other miracle happened on Jesus’s way to heal Jairus’ daughter?
Healing of the woman with a hemorrhage
How many relics of Mary’s body are there?
What word was added to the dictionary last year that was made up by social media?
Brain rot
How many days was Jonah in the whale?
What was the name of the person who was crucified next to Jesus and repented?
Where did Mary appear to three young children?
What is the name of nun who was the first Saint from the United States?
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
What is the deadliest animal in the world?
What kind of bread where people fed with in the Old Testament?
Who climbed the tree to see Jesus?
Who was with Jesus at the Transfiguration?
Elijah and Moses
What does today have to do with St.Faustina?
It is the day Jesus gave her the Divine Mercy Image
What is the most common phobia?
Social Phobia
How many plagues did God send to Egypt?
Who came at night to talk to Jesus?
What did Jesus say to calm the storms on the lake?
”Peace, be still”
Who was the youngest Apostle?
John the Evangelist