Part 1: Birth of Jesus
Part 2: Jesus' Baptism
Part 3: The Prodigal Son
Old Testament Trivia
New Testament Trivia

What was Zechariah's wife's name?



What did the 12 disciples symbolize?

The 12 tribes of Israel.

What kind of food made the younger son finally desperate enough to go back to his father?

Pig slop.


True or False: Adam named all the animals in the book of Genesis.



What does "Gospel" mean?

Good news (specifically the good news of Jesus Christ)


Who was the angel that visited both Mary and Zechariah?



What was Jesus replaying when he fasted in the wilderness for 40 days?

Israel's 40-year journey in the wilderness when they failed to trust God and rebelled against him.


Which character do church people often relate to more in the story of The Prodigal Son? Why?

The older son - Sometimes, Christians who have been faithful most of their lives need to be careful that they don't get jealous of God's treatment of new believers.


What was Daniel's response when the Persian King issued a decree that would put someone to death for praying to anyone other than the king?

Daniel went and prayed.


Why was only Zechariah punished when both he and Mary asked a question to Gabriel?

Zechariah's was one of distrust, Mary's was one of trust and awe.


What was John the Baptist's role in the story of Jesus?

To prepare the way for Jesus by baptizing people and teaching them about repentance and the kingdom of God.


In Hebrew culture, what was being poor about?

Not just money, but poor in spirit and poor in social status.


What did Jesus want the religious teachers & Pharisees to see by telling them the story of the Prodigal Son?

God's care for the lost. The Pharisees were angry that Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collector's - Jesus wanted them to be happy that lost people were being saved.


Which brother (of the sons of Jacob) hoped to save Joseph after their brother's yeeted him into a dried-up well?



True or False: Luke and Acts, although both written by Luke, were originally written to different people. 

False: both Luke and Acts open with a note addressing it to the same person.


Explain Simeon's line about baby Jesus: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”

Many would accept, and many would reject, Jesus. Think of the example of the thieves on the crosses: one humbled himself, the other made demands of Jesus.


What is John's baptism connected to from the Old Testament?

Israel failing to follow through on God's call. John was giving people a chance to rededicate themselves to God's path and what he was about to do.


What chapter of the Bible is the parable of The Prodigal Son found in?

Luke 15 - one of the most important chapters to understand how God feels about lost people.


Who was the prophet that led the spiritual reform in Israel after returning from Babylon?



How much did Zacchaeus give to the poor after Jesus visited him? 

Half of all he owned.


Why was Zechariah the only one in the temple when Gabriel appeared to him?

It was the duty of just one priest at a time to go inside and burn incense. (He was selected by casting lots).


What did God say when Jesus was baptized? What two books of the Old Testament does God refer to in what He says?

"You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

Psalms & Isaiah


Recap the Parable of the Workers in the Field as best you can.

The owner of the field continues hiring workers throughout the day, and yet pays the same amount to those who worked the whole day and those who worked only an hour. 


How many people entered Noah's Ark?



Who was the person the book of Luke was originally written to?
