Trust in the LORD with all your heart and ___ ___ __ ___ __ ______ ; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
What is lean not on your own understanding?
This was the first plague to hit Egypt.
What is water turned to blood?
This staff member enjoys a good cold plunge.
Who is Ben?
Jesus started his ministry at this age.
What is 30?
This is the River Moses was put into as a baby.
What is the Nile River?
This staff member grew up in Hawaii.
Who is Antoinette?
Elizabeth and Mary were related in this way.
What are cousins?
Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" to these brothers.
Who are Simon Peter and Andrew?
A new command I give you: ___ __ ____. John 13:34a
What is love one another?
This prophet was sent as a missionary to Nineveh.
Who is Jonah?
This staff member has been working with Victory for ___ years.
Who is Angelica?
Moses’s mother hide him from Pharaoh for _____ months.
What is 3?
Paul's ship was traveling to Rome from Crete when it was hit by a storm and wrecked on this island.
What is Malta?
This staff member has a grandchild with their surname.
Who is Rich Mace?
An angel told this woman she would have a son in her old age, and she laughed.
Who is Sarah?
He is the father-in-law to Moses.
Who is Jethro?
Romans 8:28
What is, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"?
This is the kind of tree Zacchaeus climbs to see Jesus.
What is a sycamore tree?
This staff member went to Nationals for Teen Bible Quiz.
Who is Bailey?
There are __ books in the Old Testament and __ in the New Testament.
What is 39 and 27?
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son on this mountain.
What is Mount Moriah?
This staff member grew up working in her grandfathers cherry stand.
Who is Krystle?
Jacob served 7 years to marry ___ but was tricked into marrying ____.
Who is Rachel and Leah?
These are the two sons of Joseph.
Who are Ephraim and Manasseh?
But he was pierced for __ ________; __ ___ ____ __ __ _______; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
What is our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities?
This was the last command Jesus gave to his disciples.
What is make disciples of all the nations and baptize them?
Although not fluent, his staff member knows sign language and has a certificate in ASL.
Who is Erica?
Moses was ___ years old when he gave God's message to Pharaoh: "Let my people go."
What is 80?
Jesus was crucified upon this hill.
What is the hill of Golgotha?
This staff member was a former Opera Singer.
Who is Melissa?
This woman was a seller of purple fabric.
Who is Lydia?
_____ restored Paul's sight after the Lord blinded him.
Who is Ananias?
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you, is found in this chapter and verse.
What is Psalm 119:11?
Noah built the Ark with this kind of wood.
What is Gopher wood?
This staff member loves Old Testament genealogies.
Who is Ed?
Joseph was this age when his brothers sold him into slavery.
What is 17yrs old? (Gen 37:2)
This is the valley where David and Goliath fought.
What is the Valley of Elah?
This staff member didn't learn to ride a bike until they were 13 years old.
Who is TJ?
This woman called God, the God who sees me.
Who is Hagar?
This brother tried to save Joseph from being murdered by his other brothers.
Who is Reuben?
John 3:17
What is "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."?
Noah and his family spent approximately this much time on the Ark.
What is one year?
(Roughly 370 days)
For their junior and senior year in high-school, this staff member was the drum Major of the marching band.
Who is Samual?
The children of Israel were in Egypt for ___years.
What is 215?
David sought refuge in this cave while being pursued by Soul.
What is the Cave of Adullam?
This staff member's middle name is Dian.
Who is Lisa?
This woman was the mother of Moses.
Who is Jochebed?
This man made the first confession to the Lord, as recorded in the Bible.
Who is Jacob?
Gen 32:9