During their 40-year trek in the wilderness, God miraculously provided this food item, described at Exodus 16:14 as a "fine, flaky substance," which was gathered from the ground each morning to make bread.
Several of Jesus apostles employed themselves by this trade, involving nets and water.
You don't have to be a baker to know that the tribes of Israel were found to be this number--the same as Jesus apostles.
This disciple was described in the letter to the Colossian congregation as "the beloved physician."
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah--three Israelites who were miraculously saved from a fiery death for refusing to worship anyone but God--are better known by these Babylonian names.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Because of their fiery enthusiasm, Jesus gave these two brothers the nickname “Sons of Thunder.”
According to Genesis 2:2, on what figurative "day" did God rest from his creative works.
The 7th day
This man, who was at first an opposer to Christianity, had a literal 'come to Jesus' moment when the Christ appeared before him in a blinding light, while he was traveling on the road to Damascus.
Paul (Saul)
This tree, known as "Ficus carica" in Latin, was used on several occasions by Jesus Christ to illustrate lessons about faith. In a particular account, he even cured one of them, with withering results.
Fig Tree
One of the most outspoken of Jesus apostles, when challenged by an assembly of angry Jewish rulers to cease preaching about the Christ, this man declared "we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard.” —Acts 4:20
Genesis 5:27 tells us that this man had the longest life chronicled in Bible record, at 969 years. Boy, was he old!
As recorded at Acts chapter 8, this disciple, known as "the Evangelizer," ran alongside a moving chariot in order to help an Ethiopian official learn about the Christ.
It was in this year (C.E.) that Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman army, just as Jesus had earlier foretold at Luke chapters 19 and 21.
70 c.e.
As recorded at Matthew chapter 14, it was on this inland sea that Jesus miraculously walked across the water.
The Sea of Galilee
When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, this apostle at first refused to believe it was really him, until he saw the wounds on Jesus' hands and feet.
As instructed by God at Genesis 7:2, Noah was told to take onto the ark this many pairs of each animal and flying creature that was designated as "clean."
A beloved traveling companion to the first century apostles, this young man was taught "from infancy" to know "the holy writings" of God.
In 1 Kings 17, God empowers the prophet Elijah to miraculously resurrect the son of a poor widow living in this Phoenician city. (Unlike the starting letter of the city's namesake, the boy wasn't just catching some "Z's")
Though not among the original group selected directly by Jesus, this man, who became an apostle after Jesus resurrection, was also his half-brother.
The symbolic dragon of Revelation, representing Satan the Devil, is said to have had seven heads and this many horns.
This Roman army officer, stationed in Caesarea was baptized by the apostle Peter after the latter received a vision from God about not showing partiality.