Political Divide
Biblical Views

Harvard's Carr Center for Humans Rights cited four things all Americans think are important. Name one.

1. Freedom

2. Privacy

3. Quality Education

4. Equality


Since 2001, the popular margin of victory for American Presidential elections has been less than X%. What is X?



Ephesians 4:29 provides the antidote for sharp and caustic political languages. Either verbatim or in your own words, what does it say?

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."


Between 1980 and today, the number of Americans who did these two daily learning tasks dropped catastrophically.

Watching the evening news and reading the newspaper.

Virginia Sociologist James Davison Hunter said in his book Culture Wars that Americans have a wide range of views but are portrayed as having ?

One of two competing worldviews locked in an epic struggle


The Christian antidote for fake news can be found in Ephesians 6:4. What is it?

"Put on the belt of truth..."


As American made the switch to cable TV it gained more entertainment choices. What two things did it lose that are vital to national unity?

Common news and news that is not politically polarized


James Davison Hunter says Culture Wars involve weaponizing politics. Name one of the five phrases cited in weaponization.

1. “invading enemy territory”

2. “occupying hostile institutions”

3. “battle for the soul of America”

4. “godless dems” / “evil elites”

5. “soulless republicans”


The Core Problem with Christian politics is the same as the core problem with American politics in general. What is it?

Fear (and anger)


Your chances of being one political party are greater than 90% if you watch any of these three cable news networks.



During the height of the COVID pandemic, FOX news and CBS both covered the pandemic heavily. Fox nearly always connected it with X and CBS nearly always connected it with Y. Name X and Y.

X = the economy

Y = public health


Theologian and political commentator David French says Christians confuse Biblical justice with this.

Political power


One way to make fake news spread even faster is to label it this.

Fake news!


Both sides in America's political divide have made heavy use of this handy old tool with a new name

Cancel culture


Wheaton College Dean Ed Stetzer says the problem with the gospel and angry politics is simply this.

You can't be angry/hate/at war with someone you need to love and share the gospel with.