This is the term Pedro Tum used to describe "the growing awareness of [the highland peasants'] predicament?" (48)
What is consciousness of poverty?
Which deity shows preferential treatment for the poor?
Who is Yahweh?
What was the main city (not Ixan) that was named in the book? Usually held all important government offices, all official payments had to be made here.
What is Guatemala City
This is Bourdieu's term for "the intimate sense that the social order is both natural and pervasive" (45).
What is symbolic violence?
Under which king did the first prophets predict Israel's exile?
Who is King Solomon?
What month and year did the first family settle in the "promise land?" What is the name of this family?
What is May 1970-Valentin Family
Catholic priests and nuns and professional Mayans formed cooperatives in the highlands. This aspect was particularly important in the cooperatives.
What is credit unions?
what two reasons do the Old Testament prophets cite for Israel's exile?
What is idolatry and economic exploitation?
What was another name for the EGP?
What is the Guerrilla Army of the Poor
Most Mayans relied on this as their livelihood.
What is agriculture?
Name the sins of Sodom
What is not helping the poor and needy?
(Ezekial 16:49 : "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.")
In the end of the chapter it tells stories of some characters who were either killed, kidnapped or banished by the military. Name one of these characters.
What is a) Raisa b) Santos c)Mary Knoll d) Father Luis e)William Wood
Manz called this "a process of educating and involving people in struggles to improve their lives" (50). It was emphasized in liberation theology.
What is concientización (consciousness-raising)?
Mission of the Incarnate one
What is preaching good tidings to the poor, proclaiming freedom to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind, setting the oppressed free, and proclaiming the year of the Lord's favor.
By 1975 how many people (max) were living in Ixan?