le chocolat chaud
How do you say hot chocolate in French?
le sandwich au fromage
How do you say the cheese sandwich in French?
le poisson
What is "the fish" in French?
le lait
What is "the milk" in French?
le couteau
How do you say "the knife" in French?
le café au lait
How do you say coffee with milk in French?
le sandwich au jambon
How do you say the ham sandwich in French?
le riz
What is "the rice" in French?
le jus de pomme
What is "the apple juice" in French?
How do you say "the fork" in French?
la confiture
How do you say jam in French?
le sandwich au saucisson
How do you say the sausage sandwich in French?
les pâtes
What is "the pasta" in French?
la grenadine
What is "the water with pomegranate syrup" in French?
la cuillère
How do you say "the spoon" in French?
les œufs
How do you say the eggs in French?
le coca
How do you say cola in French?
les légumes
What is "the vegetables" in French?
le sirop de menthe
What is "the water with mint syrup" in French?
la serviette
How do you say "the napkin" in French?
la tartine
How do you say French bread with butter and jam in French?
le croque-monsieur
How do you say the grilled ham and cheese sandwich in French?
le poulet
What is "the chicken" in French?
le jus de pamplemousse
What is "the grapefruit juice" in French?
la nappe
How do you say "the tablecloth" in French?