What time are most of the learners scheduled to arrive in the morning?
Positive reinforcement occurs when a stimulus is _________ following a behavior leading to the __________ of the behavior in the future.
Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
Everything a living organism does that is observable and measurable
How many learners do you typically charts data for and when should it be completed?
1 learner per day once the learner leaves for the day
Your session has ended with your learner, but you do not see your replacement arriving yet. What do you do?
Use the walkie, message in Gchat, or (if safe and approved) pair your learner up with another staff and learner while you transition to your next scheduled session.
Name 2 types of preference assessments we practiced
Paired choice, MSWO (multiple stimulus without replacement)
C, IC, N
Correct, Incorrect, Neutral
This is commonly referred to as a request
How far away from our learners should we be maintaining throughout the day?
3-5 feet
What is the range of demands per minute Bierman expects throughout the day?
3-5 demands per minute containing both program and non-program demands
Steps of the standard Error Correction prodecure
Error, Prompt the response, Test for independence, Distract, Test again
Positively Reinforcing Stimuli
The physical presentation of a behavior
Accel and Decel correlate to what common terms?
Correct and Incorrect
Where can you access and print the learner's Daily Data Sheet?
Huddle --> Learner --> Type and Select Learner --> ABA Data Sheet --> Print
Name 3 types of discontinuous measurement
Partial Interval Recording, Whole Interval Recording, Momentary Time Sampling
Fixed Ratio of 4
Gradual reduction of prompting and transferring stimulus control from the prompt to the SD
Where do the completed and charted DDS go?
The client-specific binder
When charting on Huddle, explain when we input zeros and when we do not?
Input zero- it is a frequency-collected BTR that did not occur
Do not input zero- it is a skill acquisition program that was not run the entire day
Steps to the manding Error Correction procedure
Error, Prompt the response, Distract, Test for independence, Test again
Listener Responding by Feature Function and Class
Differential reinforcement of successive approximations to a terminal behavior
How do we mark a duration-collected BTR on Huddle if it did not occur?
Input 0:0:1 under counting time