Forms after a star has run out of hydrogen and is now a dying star, will likely expand due to lessening gravity
What is a Red Giant?
One of the pieces of evidence for the big bang, a huge explosion should have left behind residual cosmic radiation.Discovered accidentally when radio fans continually picked up "interference" mistakenly thought to be caused by nearby cities.
What is cosmic background radiation?
Big Bang is believed to have happened about ____ billion years ago?
What is 14 million years ago?
The term for universe and all things created
What is cosmos?
Our sun is currently classified as a ______________.?
What is a main sequence star?
interstellar clouds of gas and dust often where new stars are born
What is a nebulae?
The process of two hydrogen atoms fusing into one helium atom.
What is nuclear fusion?
region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape
What is a black hole?
The stars in our universe are primarily composed of what element?
What is hydrogen?
According to the ESRT, Betelgeuse is currently in what phase?
What is Red Giant?
contracting ball of gas and matter which represents an early star prior to ignition (fusion)
What is a protostar?
What is the chemical formula for nuclear fusion?
What is H + H = He ?
Distance used to measure to other stars
What is a parallax? Light Years? or Parsecs?
The name scientist gave to the theory of the creation of the universe
What is the Big Bang Theory?
A star's color gives an indication of it's ______________.
What is temperature?
next stage of star death following red giant, star ejects it outer layers which can form a planetary nebulae
What is a white dwarf?
Shorter wavelengths appear blue while longer wavelengths are:
What is red?
Distance light travels in one year, about 6 trillion miles.
What is a light year?
Hubble's Law states that galaxies in the universe are moving ______________ from each other.
What is away?
The star most similar to our sun is...
Alpha Centauri
Massive explosion that occurs during the final stage of a massive star's death
What is a supernova?
He came up with the idea for the Big Bang Theory....
Who was Albert Einstein?
the apparent brightness of star if it was 10 parsecs from Earth
What is absolute magnitude?
The Hertzsprung and Russell diagram show's the relationship between a star's surface temperature and ____________________.?
What is luminosity?
Name two stars that are both brighter and hotter than the sun.
What is Spica, Sirius, Rigel or Deneb?