What is NOT Big Body Play?
What kind of development does research correlate with physical play?
cognitive/ brain development
What gives the greatest opportunities outdoors?
True or False
A teacher can only bring awareness to proper Big Body Play through parent interactions
False- can also incorporate elements of Big Body Play in classroom setting
What movie has weather similar to Illinois?
because of the random shift from summer to winter
What are other names for Big Body Play?
Rough and tumble
rough housing
horse play
play fighting
Give an example of a role taken on through Big Body Play...
Dominant and Subordinate roles
Self defense responses
Name a positive or negative of indoor play?
easier to supervise, can be designed, good for infants
less space for free play
doesn't provide natural elements
True or False
Big Body Play is limited to the classroom setting only
False, information is provided to parents in order to encourage Big Body Play at home
Sing one of these Christmas songs as a team
Jingle Bells
Frosty the Snow Man
White Christmas
Give an example of one of the three...
Solitary: dancing, running, skipping
Objects: climbing/ jumping off structures
Together: tag, wrestling, chasing/running
Give an example of each of the three...
Social: taking turns, negotiating, developing and maintaining friendships (boys learn caring and concern)
Language: nonverbal cues and signals (perceive, infer, decode)
Physical: how bodies move and how to control their movement
Describe how to set up an indoor area for Big Body Play
firmly anchored furniture
avoiding sharp points and corners
skid free flooring
Give an example for each...
Classroom setting
Parent interactions
bulletin boards, rules posted around classroom, pictures of play
newsletter, family handbook policy, information letter/brochure