Who was the first ever UFC heavyweight champion
Mark Coleman
What was the most horrific massacre of Jewish people called
Which company created Minecraft
Recently there was a trend where people were being fooled by what edible delicacy being made to look like realistic objects
Who are the largest tire manufacturers
Who was the heaviest ever UFC fighter as of today
Emmanuel Yarborough
What month is Jewish history month
What company brought Minecraft in 2014
What character from famous game animal crossing is known for swindling his villagers out of their money
Tom Nook
What is the largest land mammal and if you say you're mom then you lose 100 points
African Bush Elephant
Which country has produced the most UFC fighters
In history, Jewish people have been portrayed as greedy for what?
How many sticks would it take for you to create three wooden swords
The 'somebody toucha my spaghet' meme is from a cartoon from which eastern European country
What famous football player has gained the nickname virgin from Mahdi
Virgil Van Dijk
Who is the current female strawweight champion
Zhang Weili
Where did Jewish people flee too during the Holocaust
What is the name of the fan-made mod which allows fans to play Pokémon in Minecraft
What line from the 2007 masterpiece The Bee Movie became a meme?
Ya like jazz?
What is the second highest selling videogame of all time
What year was UFC founded
How many prophets and prophetesses are there in Judaism
55, 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses
What was the original name of Minecraft
Cave game
What is the name of the panel-based memes featuring such images as troll face and le derp face
Rage Comics
Who is the sweatiest incel known to man
Subhan Malik