Great Guardians
Paracausal Entities
The Enemy Races
All the Space Magic
Stuff Specifically about the Awoken

Thought to be the Greatest Guardian who's ever lived. A Titan who stood at The Battle of Six fronts and Disappeared looking for his boyfriend. 

Who is Saint-14


The embodiment of the Light. Currently floating above the Last City. 

What is The Traveler


Name three enemy races (50 bonus points for short descriptions)

Enemy races are: Cabal, Vex, Fallen, Hive, Taken and Scorn


What is the Deep Claim

"Existence is the struggle to exist. When the struggle seems lost, when the safe place crumbles, everything turns to the Deep to survive."


The titles given to Awoken soldiers

Paladins and Corsairs


A guardian who lost their light after a horrible encounter with the Hive. The only surviving member of her Fireteam

Who is Eris Morn


The alternative name for the Darkness, as given by the Hive (bonus 100 points, what is their name for the Light?)

What is The Deep (Bonus: The Sky)


King of the Hive, the sole greatest follower of the Sword Logic

Who is Oryx the Taken King


How are the Scorn made?

What is Dead Fallen exposed to Ether infused with Darkness

The first Queen's Wrath and lover of Mara Sov

Sjur Eido


One of the greatest Guardians ever to live. A champion of the Light and the Dark. Known for his fondness of Hand Cannons

Who is Shin Malphur


The powerful entities who do dealings with their Emissary and who despite their immense power are connected to the existence of the Sol System's planets

Who are the Nine?


The Cabal leader who trapped the Traveler

Who is Dominus Gaul 


A group of Hive Royalty adept in the Sword Logic, Oryx's chief deathdealers

What is the Court of Oryx


The alternative two Sword Logic, developed by Mara Sov, that operates on multiple parts playing roles in a grand plan either through cooperation or manipulation.

What is The Bomb Logic


A powerful warlock with a still-held record in the Crucible, now leading the Hidden.

Who is Ikora Rey


The only way the Traveler has been shown to communicate with humanity

What are Speakers


Which Vex Construct communed with the Darkness and would have passed power on to its faction? 

What is the Sanctified Mind?

How does the Blind Well function?

What is Guardians creating a surplus of paracausal energy of a course of a couple weeks


How was the Dreaming City constructed?

What is Ahamkara Wishes


An Iron Lord with many secrets and a guarded attitude. Built fortifications on a mountain and fought Lord Shaxx for multiple days. Remembered in part by his shotgun

Who is Lord Felwinter


The game that the Darkness and Light played in the Garden before entering the universe 

(250 Bonus Points: describe it)

What is the Flower Game


Which Eliksni refuses to die?

Who is Taniks the Scarred


How is Savathun, sister of Oryx, able to Take?

What is Quria, Blade Transform


Which mythological setting do the Awoken most reflect (according to Mena)?

What is Norse Myth. Queen Mara Sov is a reflection of Odin, her brother Uldren reflecting Loki. Along with other nods, such as two Ahamkara known as Huginn and Muninn