What is he missing
his top left canine!
How many teeth does he have?
29 teeth
How many brothers does he have alive?
The stuck tooth name?
the snagletooth!
What does he do when he's licking his rear end and you enter the room!
stop licking with his leg up still!!!!
What color in he!
orange tabby cat
What is one cousins name?
Tanner or Milo
Named after fast food place!
BK (Big Kev)
(Burger King)
When was chez born?( year month & day )
2023, March, 12th
Does his tail has rings on it or dots?
he has rings
What is his brothers name?
Loves treats!!!
The treat man!
Who was his favorite rabbit!🐇
Bobbi Jo🐰
Does he have white on his back?
Who took his brother?
Jordan Coffey
Named after the show called Big Bubby With A Big Tummy!
Big Bubby!
What does his tail do when he has to go pee-pee?
Thump really hard!
What is his sound effect?
Vroooooom Vroooooom
What color is his dad?
Named after Pixar breakfast
pancake dude