Why or how is sleep an important part of daily wellness? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points. 

Sleep effects everything. It's the foundation of our moods, energy levels, and regulation of bodily processes. 

If you don't get enough sleep the following things could happen: 

-- tiredness

-- lack of concentration

-- mental fog 

-- forgetfulness

-- potentially being moody 

-- less physical energy 

-- being clumsy / accident prone


If someone's best friend moved away and they no longer attend the same school, how might they feel about that? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- lonely 

-- sad 

-- scared / afraid 

-- confused 

-- depressed 

-- anxious 



How can you use TEXT MESSAGES to support your own mental health + wellness? 

Give 1-2 examples of what this could look like

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- staying in touch with friends 

-- sending jokes, memes, inspirational quotes, or helpful info 

-- make plans to meet friends

-- sharing music, art, movies or videos 

-- reaching out to trusted adults to ask for help if you are struggling 

-- Sending and receiving links to helpful websites 

-- Text based chat support if you are struggling -- like TEEN LINE -- you can text: TEEN to 839863


Name 3 behaviors that could be considered bullying

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- name calling 

-- making jokes at someone else's expense, especially when they don't laugh or ask it to stop 

-- physically threatening someone

-- verbally threatening someone 

-- spreading rumors

-- excluding someone from a group on purpose (to make them feel different / bad) 

-- embarrassing someone in front of others 

-- taking someone's things 


Name 3 different types of support systems you can use to encourage mental health and wellness

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

 -- family (parents / guardians, siblings, cousins grandparents, aunts + uncles)

-- friends 

-- teachers 

-- sports team 

-- club / activity 

-- online groups 

-- therapist or counselor

-- religious group or affiliation 

-- band or fellow musicians 

-- gaming group or team 


Why or how is drinking water an important part of daily wellness? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

Water intake effects circulation (blood flow), metabolism, temperature regulation, and bodily waste removal.

-- memory functionality

-- lack of concentration

-- fatigue

-- possible moodiness

-- lightheaded 

-- dizziness 

-- nausea

-- headaches

-- lack of bodily functioning (poor coordination)




Your friend Bailey tells you in the hallway after class that the test you just took made her palms sweat, her heart race, her leg shake, and she was having trouble concentrating. 


What does it seem like Bailey experienced during the test? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- Bailey experienced fear that turned into anxiety 

-- Bailey was extremely nervous or anxious

-- Bailey may have been having a panic attack


How can you use YouTube to support your own mental health + wellness? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- Find videos that focus on meditation + breathing techniques

-- Find videos with physical + mental activities.

-- Find funny or inspirational videos 

-- Learn something new 

-- Find more information about hobbies 

-- Find more information about resources in the community to support mental health + wellness

-- Subscribe to channels were YouTubers talk about coping skills for mental health 




When telling a joke that makes fun of someone else or makes them a target, if they laugh too, it doesn't count as bullying.

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.


Someone may laugh to hide their true feelings. They probably don't want others to know how much it actually bothers them because it might mean they'll get picked on even more. They could be concerned about looking weak, or that the behavior will repeat itself because they reacted. 


Name 3 different types of IN-PERSON (non-digital) support systems you can use to support mental health and wellness 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- talking to teachers 

-- talking to a counselor 

-- talking to the school nurse 

-- talking to parents 

-- talking to friends

-- talking to a therapist or counselor

-- participating in a group activity 

-- doing physical activities + team sports 

-- making art 

-- playing a musical instrument 

-- going for a walk with someone else or a group of people

-- participating in hobbies 

-- journaling

-- learning something new or working with your hands

-- volunteering to help others 

-- playing with pets 

-- anything else?


Why or how is nutrition an important part of daily wellness? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

Nutrition effects physical, mental, emotional, and social health. If you play sports, are involved in performance arts, work a job, engage in physical activities, or push yourself mentally (like studying for a test)  -- nutrition is even more important because you are expending additional energy while your body is growing! 

-- physical growth + development 

-- being hungry 

-- possibly being tired from eating junk-food that has too many calories and not enough nutrition 

-- poor memory 

-- lack of concentration

-- weaker immune system

-- impaired cognitive function

-- lack of energy

-- increased stress

-- increased anxiety 

-- depression

-- possible moodiness

-- healthy habits later in life 


Why is it important to acknowledge or accept our feelings instead of ignoring or denying them? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- Trying to ignore feelings sometimes makes them stronger and, in the long run, harder to deal with.

-- When you can sit with how uncomfortable or overwhelming feelings are, you are building strength within yourself. You are growing and you are learning to not be held back by anything in life. 

-- Trying to ignore feelings usually doesn't work; they show up in different ways in our behavior or thoughts. You may end up taking out those feelings (projecting) on the people you care about -- which isn't fair and could affect those relationships. 

-- Facing your feelings means you are accepting + loving all parts of yourself. It makes you healthier mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

-- Pushing away or suppressing feelings can result in physical consequences like: getting sick, being depressed, muscle tension + pain, nausea + other digestive issues, problems with sleep

-- Feelings are not facts. Feelings are temporary. Feelings change over time. By dealing with them in the moment you become a more resilient person; meaning you are more equipped to deal with other life stressors. 


Name 2-3 things you can do to help manage anger without taking it out on yourself or others. 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- breathing techniques 

-- going for a walk / getting outside 

-- meditation 

-- listening to music / dancing 

-- physical activity or working out 

-- watching a video or show you like 

-- journaling 

-- making art or making something with your hands 

-- anything else? 


How might someone who is being bullied feel? 

Name 3 different effects on that person.

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- feeling alone 

-- feeling helpless 

-- feeling unsafe 

-- feeling afraid 

-- feeling stressed or anxious 

-- feeling angry 

-- feeling sad or depressed 

-- feeling like they deserve it or they are to blame for why it's happening 

-- feeling self-conscious 

-- low self-esteem 

-- want to avoid others 

-- anything else? 


Pretend that you are struggling with getting a full night's sleep. 

Sometimes you feel anxious about school in the morning, and sometimes you've spent too much time on screens before bed and it makes it hard to fall asleep.

How could you use SUPPORT SYSTEMS to help you get better, more consistent sleep? 

Give 3 examples

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

TALK to parents + family members, friends, teachers, guidance counselor, a coach, a mentor --  ask for help with winding down before bed. 

Do they have any suggestions? What can you do to actually relax before bed? 

Can they help you talk through preparing for the day tomorrow or limiting screen time?  


-- breathing exercises and meditation

-- drinking water, limiting sugary or caffeinated drinks in the evening 

-- writing / journaling to help process thoughts + emotions 

-- picking out your clothes, packing lunch, packing your bag -- any prep you can do ahead of time so it's not on your mind before bed

-- listen to meditation music or relaxing music. 

-- stretching 

-- reading 

-- cuddling with pets 

-- anything else? 


Define the word: WELLNESS

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, wellness can be defined as: 

the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal. The condition of being sound in the body. 

Additional words or qualities that count for the points: 

-- being healthy 

-- feeling good

-- taking care of yourself 

-- wholeness 

-- fitness / strength / endurance

-- vitality 

-- active lifestyle  

-- the opposite of being sick or unhealthy 

-- avoiding unhealthy things 


Define the words: 


Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points

-- how your mind is doing 

-- how your thoughts affect you 

-- how your mind supports your overall health 

-- how your brain makes you feel 

-- what happens in your brain + how it effects your feelings + behavior 

-- According to the World Health Organization(WHO), MENTAL HEALTH: "is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health + well being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships, and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community, and socio-economic development."


What can you do throughout the school day to help regulate your mental health + wellness? 

Give 3 examples

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- eat a healthy lunch

-- drink water

-- check in with friends 

-- check in with teachers

-- talk to a guidance counselor if you need support or just want someone to talk to (Mr. Eagan)

-- find 1-2 minutes between classes to do a breathing exercise 

-- think about your favorite song or movie 

-- write down a few sentences in a notebook about how you're doing 

-- participate in PE class 

-- think about your pets 

-- learn something new and think about how it relates to your interests 


Define the word: 


Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged youth or teens that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

Bullying is something intentionally meant to cause harm to another. 



Pretend that the main goal you are working towards over the next 2-4 years is: 

To be able to afford your own apartment

How can you use SUPPORT SYSTEMS to maximize your mental health + wellness so you can achieve this goal? Give 3 examples

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- FAMILY: have conversations about saving money + budgeting. Ask older siblings that may have moved out what neighborhoods or areas you might like living. Go visit a family member who has moved to a different area. 

-- FRIENDS: ask friends what their plans or goals are + how they are working to achieve them. Do they have siblings who have moved to a different area + what advice do they have? 

-- TEACHERS: what can you do to ensure you're able to graduate on time? Are any teachers willing to be a reference for you or write a letter of recommendation that will help you with employment? 

-- GUIDANCE COUNSELOR: prepare your resume and share with the guidance counselor for editing suggestions. Ask about employment preparation + any information or workshops or internships. 

-- ONLINE: interview preparation videos + tips, finding jobs online, looking for apartments online, videos on how to save money + budget, videos that describe what it's like living on your own + what to prepare for, videos that describe what it's like living if different areas if you want to move to a specific city. 

-- anything else? 


What are unhealthy DEFENSE MECHANISMS or unhealthy COPING SKILLS?

What are 2-3 defense mechanisms or unhealthy coping skills that should be avoided?

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.


-- usually unconscious; we gravitate toward them without thinking 

-- not the best choice 

-- do not address the root issue, thoughts, or feelings; they try to avoid directly confronting and managing, but suppress those instead

-- often led by fear or anger 

-- often involve risky behaviors 


-- excessive screen time (including phone, computer, tv)

-- abusing substances 

-- fighting 

-- bullying others 

-- self harm 

-- negative self talk / negative self image

-- procrastination 

-- isolation 

-- overspending money 

-- restricting food or overeating


What are some signs that someone's mental health is not in a good place?? 

Give 4 examples

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- they are sleeping more or can't sleep

-- changes in appetite (eating more or eating less) 

-- changes in mood 

-- changes in behavior 

-- loss of interest in hobbies 

-- loss of motivation to achieve previously held goals 

-- not upholding their core beliefs or values 

-- socially withdrawing or distancing themselves from people + places they previously enjoyed or cared about 

-- lack of personal hygiene or self care 

-- verbally express or tell you they are struggling 

-- anything else? 


What are healthy COPING SKILLS? 

What are 2-3 coping skills that can be used on a daily or weekly basis? 

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- COPING SKILLS are thoughts + behaviors that help manage mental health + wellness. 

-- COPING SKILLS are active things we do to improve negative thoughts or feelings. 

-- COPING SKILLS focus on shifting "bad" to "better"

-- COPING SKILLS are what we focus on when feeling distressed, uncomfortable, unable to accept something, or can't solve a problem.

-- COPING SKILLS help us feel stronger and more stable when overwhelmed. 


-- breathing techniques

-- talking to someone or asking for help

-- go outside 

-- drink water 

-- play with a pet 

-- physical activity 

-- mental activity 

-- making / creating something 

-- music and / or dancing 



In the hallway before class you see a student push another student into the bathroom door, laugh loudly, and take a picture on their phone when that student falls over. The student who pushed them starts showing the picture to a group of friends around them who also start laughing. 

What should you do in this situation -- name 2 action steps you would take.

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- go to the nearest teacher's room (if they are not in the middle of class) and tell them what happened

-- go to a teacher you have a good relationship with and tell them what happened

-- go to the guidance counselor and tell them what happened 

-- go to the nurse's office and tell them what happened 

-- find any adult in the building and tell them what happened

-- next time you see the student who was pushed ask them how they're doing -- check in with them 

-- ask the student that was pushed if they need somewhere to sit at lunch 

-- make sure I tell an adult that the student who pushed someone was taking pictures + sharing it 

-- reach out to the student who was pushed and try to send them a nice message on social media 

-- if you hear friends talking about the incident later, mention how bad it was + how much you wouldn't like to see that happen to anyone. It's not right + it's not fair. 

-- talk to parents, teachers, or guidance counselor about what to do if you see something like that happen again. 

-- anything else? 



A friend tells you they have been depressed for months. They specifically say to you, "I don't know what to do and I don't know how much longer I can keep living like this..." 


What are 2-3 things you should you do to next?

Possible answers -- this list is not comprehensive, so the judges will have the final decision to award points.

-- Tell them they will be ok. 

-- Let them know you care about them + want to help. 

-- Thank them for trusting you enough to tell you how they are struggling.

-- Ask them how you can help? 

-- Tell an adult you trust to get them support. But, keep it private with your other friends; don't talk about them with other peers. 

-- Share credible information about mental health resources. 

-- Text them videos, memes, or songs you think would help support them through this tough time.

-- Offer to do something with them if they feel like it so they don't have to spend time alone. 

-- anything else?