Big/Small 1
Big or Small 2
Big or Small 3
Big or Small 4
Big or Small 5

You are rocking back and forth on the chair, then suddenly you fall back and hit your head resulting in a big bump on your head

Big Problem- because you are hurt


Your tablet has gone off 

Small problem- because you will get it the next day and move on to your next thing you have to do 


You feel left out. What can you do?

Small problem- Talk with your friends and tell them how you feel


You can't find your coat? What size problem 

Small problem- 


You saw a student cheating in a game.

Small problem-You tell them that if they continue that you won't play anymore 


You are playing a bored game with your friends and you lose. 

Small problem- because it’s okay if you don’t win a game 


You find out that your friends are talking behind your back. What can you say or do?

Small problem- Ask to talk with them and tell them how you feel using "I statements"

A student is climbing over and under bus seats. What size problem and why?

Big problem- That is very unsafe 


A student cut you in line? What size problem 

Small Problem


You see a student take something of the teachers desk that is not theirs. 

Big Problem-Tell the teacher 


Who is the best basketball player in the school?

Mr. Brock!!!


Your mom told you “ no” to having ice cream. You throw the tv remote and it breaks 

Big problem- because you are destroying an object and can physically hurt your mom or dad


You’re running in the hallway and bump in to a teacher who falls to the ground.  Now they have a cut on their elbows 

Big problem- because you hurt someone and you were not following school expectations. 


What is a small problem and who should solve it? 

A small problem is something that you can solve on your own.


A student is bullying another student 

Big Problem


What is the second step to problem solving?

What problem size is it.

A student keeps giving you dirty looks?  What size problem What can you do?

Small problem- Ignore them 


What is a big problem and what should you do?

Big problems- Are when it is unsafe or dangerous, you need to get help from an adult 


What is the third step to problem solving 

Think of a couple of solutions. 


Name a small problem 



What is the fist step to problem solving?

Identify the problem


In the bathroom you see someone putting a bunch of stuff in the toilet. What size problem and what should you do? 

Big Problem- Get an adult


What size problem is leaving the classroom without permission?

Big Problem- It can be unsafe if teachers don't know where you are. 


You don't know how to do a math problem. What size problem and what should you do?

Small-Raise your hand to ask the teacher for help. 


Name a big problem 
