Your classmate is not doing their work.
Little Problem. It is not affecting you. You're not scared or worried, you're not in danger and there is no destruction. Let the teacher handle on their own time in their own way.
Your mom won't buy you your favorite snack.
Little problem
You saw that a child was picking on another child and making him feel scared or worried.
This is a big problem, so you should tell the nearest adult.
It's a big problem because someone could get hurt.
You forget to do your homework.
Little, you can explain to your teacher and ask for an extension.
You have several F's in school and your parents grounded you.
Little-our actions have consequences
Someone took your spot in line.
Little Problem
You didn't have time to eat breakfast.
Little, take a quick break and grab a snack before class if needed or grab breakfast in the cafeteria.
You are fighting with your sibling constantly.
Medium, this could have lasting impacts on your relationship and affect your family.
A peer says he wants to hurt you.
Big Problem- you feel scared or worried- Anytime anyone threatens to hurt you, it is a big problem.
Someone tells you that they are being bullied.
Medium problem, you should report to an adult.
You fall down and suspect that you have broken your arm.
Big problem, get to the hospital ASAP to get checked
A classmate makes fun of your clothes.
Little problem-
You are being bullied in school.
Big problem-Report to an adult.
Your headphones broke while you were using it.
Little problem- you're not in danger. What can you do to solve the problem?