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How many books are in the Bible



What is the very first verse in the Bible?

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."


What is the opposite of OBEYING God in the Bible?

SIN - Because God is perfect, his commands are perfect. If we disobey Him, we are saying we don't think His way is good and perfect and our way is better. That is a sin. 


Who is called "the Word"?

Jesus is called "the Word". (John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word...)

Jesus was there with God at the creation. He is one with Creator God.


What were the names of the first sons of Adam and Eve?

Cain and Abel


What is the name of the first book in the Bible



God created everything from...



Who tempted Adam and Eve to doubt God?

Satan who took the form of a serpent/snake.


In the New Testament, who does Paul say the whole world was created through and for?

Paul says the Son of God created all things in heaven and on earth. They were created through him and for him. (Col. 1:16)


The Bible has two main sections. What are they?

Bonus: How many books are in each?

The Old Testament and the New Testament

Bonus: OT - 39    NT - 27


What are the first five books of the Bible called?

The Pentateuch


God created everything in the heavens and on earth in how many days?

6 days : Day 1 - light, separated light and dark and called them "days" and "nights". Day 2 - separated sky and sea. Day 3 - Land, plants and trees. Day 4 - sun, moon and stars. Day 5 - fish and birds. Day 6 - land animals and people. 


What happened after Adam and Eve sinned?

Any of the following is correct:

They had to leave the garden, pain and suffering came into the world, things would be hard, death came into the world, they would not have a close relationship with God like they did before because of their sin.


How does the story of the Flood remind us of Jesus?

Just like Noah was saved from the flood by believing and trusting God, so too, we can be saved from all our wickedness and sin if we believe in Jesus. AND we can have a NEW BEGINNING. 


What are the first and last books of the Old Testament and the New Testament

OT - Genesis...Malachi

NT - Matthew...Revelation


Who wrote the first 5 books of the Bible?



What did God say about his creation?

It is good. 


Why did God send the Flood?

God sent the Flood to judge all the wickedness in the world.


Who is the main character of the whole Bible?



God (Father, Son and Spirit) said, "Let us make man in our _ _ _ _ _."

Image - Our job as people made in God's image is to reflect, like a mirror, how good he is. 

God is good, so we are made to be good, but sin gets in the way of us reflecting God's image. Like a mirror all dusty and smudged we don't reflect God's goodness very well.


Who were Noah's sons?

Shem, Ham and Japheth