Base Ingredient of Gummy Bears
What is gelatin
Longest Dinosaur Fossilized Poo Discovered
30 cm
8.563 + 4.8292
The First Building and When
What is:
Holladay Hall, built in 1889
The Official Flower
What is:
What makes broth different than stock?
Broth is made with meat while stock is made with bones.
How much more likely is a giraffe to get hit by lightening compared to a human
There is a three-digit number. The second digit is four times as big as the third digit, while the first digit is three less than the second digit. What is the number?
The original courses offered at NCSU in its opening year
What is: agriculture, horticulture, pure and agricultural chemistry, English and bookkeeping, and mathematics and practical mechanics
The Original OT Name
What is:
Society of Hammer and Tongs
Global Best Selling Chocolate Bar
How much faster is the earths rotation getting per century
1.8 seconds. 600 million years ago a day lasted just 21 hours.
If 1=3
Then, 6=?
3, because ‘six’ has three letters
First year of classes with how many students and how many faculty
What is fall of 1889 with 72 students, 6 faculty members
Who is:
Emily Murr
Nut used to make marzipan
What is an almond
The saying "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"...
Longest recorded time a chicken has survived without its head
18 months
Statics Problem!
How many tons of what material was used to build the belltower
What is made of 1,400 tons of granite
The Four National Founders (first names)
Who is:
Most Stolen Grocery Item
What is cheese
Animal that does not have lungs
What is an ant
What is the value of a?
A) -16
B) -3
C) 3
D) 16
B= -3
When was the first black female elected SBP
When was: 2020
The Greek Alphabet
What is:
Alpha - Α α
Beta - Β β
Gamma - Γ γ
Delta - Δ δ
Epsilon - Ε ε
Zeta - Ζ ζ
Eta - Η η
Theta - Θ θ
Iota - Ι ι
Kappa - Κ κ
Lambda - Λ λ
Mu - Μ μ
Nu - Ν ν
Xi - Ξ ξ
Omicron - Ο ο
Pi - Π π
Rho - Ρ ρ
Sigma - Σ σ/ς
Tau - Τ τ
Upsilon - Υ υ
Phi - Φ φ
Chi - Χ χ
Psi - Ψ ψ
Omega - Ω ω