The acronym we use to describe nonverbal engagement with a client
A programmed response without hearing the rest of the statement
What is Rehearsing
A client's mood
What is Affect
1. Turn Taking 2. Connecting 3. Mutual Influencing 4. Co-Creating Outcomes
What is dialogue?
An obstacle to effective listening but can be helpful when benign.
What is interrupting
You feel... because...
What is the Empathy Formula
Listening that skims the surface picking up bits and pieces.
What is Partial Listening
The combination of a client's thoughts, behaviors, affect and experiences.
What is an Integrated Narrative
Leaks messages about what the client really means
What is Nonverbal Behaviors
Myths of nonverbal communication
What is.. Nonverbal is nonsense; you can read a person like a book; no eye-contact = liars!, etc.
Bodily movements, eye movements, gestures, and nods as a statement
Nonverbal prompts
The sister to pity and commiseration
What is sympathy
A question that elicits more than a one word response
What is an open-ended question
1. Give yourself time to think
2. Use short responses
3. Gear responses towards the client, but remain yourself.
What are useful strategies for responding with empathy
"Don't be so hard on yourself, everything will work out in the end."
What is a cliche
Provide an example of using a summary at the beginning of a session
What is "....."
A variation of distorted listening (not poor listening)
What is.. filtered listening, evaluative listening, stereotyped-based, fact-centered, or sympathetic listening
"You’ve mentioned several areas you want to improve—your career, your relationships, and your personal growth. Maybe we can explore which one feels the most urgent or impactful to start with. What are your thoughts?"
What is summarizing
Give an example of a cue you'd pick up on that informs you to recover
What is.. Nonverbals: avoiding eye contact, crossing arms, fidgeting
Verbal: agreeing and changing subject, direct statements
Proficiency is communication skills
What is becoming fluent
Two goals of probing
What is... help clients open up; identify experiences, behaviors, and feelings; engage in therapeutic dialogue, help clients move into stage 2; get clarity; make decisions, etc
Asking too many questions.
What is interrogating ?
The ability to get inside a client’s frame of reference and understand what the client is thinking and feeling together with the ability to communicate this understanding without prejudice to the client.
What is Interpersonal Empathy
Perceptiveness, Know-How, Assertiveness
What is.. three dimensions of all responding skills
Robs client's of self-responsibility, exploration, and problem solving
What is Advice