Early Bilingualism
20th Century
Court cases I
Court Cases II
AZ & BL Ed

What languages were used to publish the Continental Congress' official documents in the 1600s? 

German, French and English 


How did Americans perceive Germans during WWI? 

Germans were discriminated against in public spaces. "WWI brought anti-German hysteria" (p. 84). 


How is "sink or swim" instruction harmful to minority children's language development? 

No accommodation in language learning (in both languages)...fail classes and not graduating 


Where is Lemon Grove & if you've been? 



Currently, what language can you use in a regular classroom?

English (Exceptions for bilingual/dual language programs e.g. Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese)


Although there were several pockets of acceptance for bilingual education, other areas of the country effectively restricted or even attempted to eradicate immigrant and minority languages. In 1879, the federal government forced WHO to attend English-only schools where they were punished for using their native language.

Native American children...other oppressed groups were Asian and Mexican immigrants...compared to the European white who were able to keep their languages (e.g. in school and official documents).


What repressive policy took place after WWII?

Closure of Japanese schools and Spanish detention after school for anyone using other languages other than English


What services did the students receive due to Lau v. Nichols? 

Students must receive special language instruction and may not be put in handicapped tracks due to their language skills. Schools must communicate with the parents in the language that they understand. 


Tell us briefly about Lemon Grove v. Álvarez? 

The Lemon Grove Case, commonly known as the Lemon Grove Incident, was the United States' first successful school desegregation case. The incident occurred in 1930 and 1931 in Lemon Grove, California, where the local school board attempted to build a separate school for children of Mexican origin.


What is Proposition 203? 

English-only instruction, 4 hours of ELD (1-3 years) - intended for 1. 

What significant event (policy wise) happened in 1888? 

The first anti bilingual education legislation was passed. Wisconsin and Illinois attempt to institute English-only schooling. 


What made many ELs got put in special classes after WWII? 

Language-minority children were seen as being "culturally deprived" and "linguistically disabled" and when they got tested for the IQ (in English), the ELs ended up being classified as educationally handicapped (p.84). 


Can you briefly describe the case of Lau v. Nichols

Chinese families in SA sued the school district for "sink or swim" instruction which violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1963. The Supreme Court sided with the parents, but the effect varied depending on the interpretation of the ruling e.g. what basic English skills meant in practice & how much instruction that is.  


What is the significance of No Child Left Behind Act, Title III? 

Federal funding is available to support schools in educating English learners 


How many hours do ELs need to attend ELD now? (back then was 4) -> look up Arizona Senate Bill 1014 (2019)

120 minutes/day, 2 hours of ELD, annual progress o ELs is part of school letter grade 


Which Native American tribe received the language rights under a treaty? 



What happened in Date County, Florida, in 1960s? 

Cuban immigrants requested bilingual schooling for their children, not expecting them to stay, the government fully supported their language maintenance and as a result, there was a wide span of their bilingual (Eng-Spanish) programs across the nation. 


How did Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act affect bilingual education?

More funding for services -> established bilingual education in the U.S. 


What do you know about Proposition 227? 

Requires California public schools to teach LEP students in special classes that are taught nearly all in English. This would eliminate "bilingual" classes in most cases. Shortens the time most LEP students would stay in special classes.


As a content-area teacher, how can you support ELs or Emergent Bilinguals in your classroom while they also get the 2 hour English instruction? 

1 idea: We call it “culturally responsive-sustaining education (CR-SE).” It is a way of seeing diversity as a source of knowledge. With CR-SE, students use their own identity to get education. They learn using aspects of their race, social class, gender, language, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or ability. Support home language and differentiate your lessons for all students, particularly for those usually marginalized/"last thought."


What significant effect did the Spanish-American War have on language use and policy in Puerto Rico and the Philippines?  

Public and private schools were forced to use English as the language of instruction. Submersion in English is a sustained policy in Puerto Rican schools until the 1950s. 


Name 1-2 bilingual or dual language programs that you know of. 



Tell us the significance of Meyer v. Nebraska

In 1923, the Supreme Court bans an English-only law in a case brought by German Americans - a 1919 Nebraska law restricting foreign-language education violated the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 


What is significant about the 2004 Williams et al. v. State of California et al.? 

The "Williams legislation," the laws seek to ensure that all students have equal access to the basics of a quality education: textbooks, safe and decent school facilities and qualified teachers. This includes teachers of ELs.


If ELs miss out on 2-4 hours of instruction (sometimes ESL teachers come in/pull them out), what would be the effect on those students? 

Missing out on the subject matter instruction. Often time they get grouped with their peers all day for "easy" transitions and do not get enough English exposure throughout the day. They feel alienated.