Permissive Period 1700s-1800s
Restrictive Period 1880s-1960s
Opportunist Period 1960s-1980s
The Dimissive Period 1980s-Now
Types of Bilingual Programs
The reason for tolerance in the United States for bilingual education

What is mass immigration from many lands speaking many languages?


The group of people who really kickstarted the idea that bilingual education was a bad idea

Who are Native Americans?


This led to the National Defense Education Act in 1958

What is Sputnik?  

Because the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the United States realized the importance of knowing foreign languages.  

This Proposition that was passed kept a handle on illegal immigration, lessening the number of bilingual students entering the country.
What is Proposition 187?

No use of L1 in school, but ESL teachers may tailor the work based on levels of English proficiency

What is Structured Immersion?


Many other settings where bilingualism existed

What are church services, newspapers, and public schools?

This kickstarted the movement to keep German from being taught in schools

What is World War I?


This act passed in 1965 allowed for more Asians and Latin American immigrants to move to America

What is the 1965 Immigration Act?

The increase of foreign language speakers increased the need for bilingual education


This Proposition passed was one that said that English should be the only instructive language in schools

What is Proposition 227

While the goal is to move to full English teaching, time is set aside each day to learn in the native language.

What is Partial Immersion?


In 1900, about 4% of elementary schoolers received education in English and this language

What is German?

This court case deemed it unconstitutional for schools to keep students from learning foreign languages

What is Meyer vs. Nebraska?


The cause of a highly successful bilingual program in Dade County, Florida

What is the Cuban Revolution of 1959?

Cubans wanted to immigrate for the length of the revolution, so they wanted to keep their culture and language in tact.  They created the bilingual education program in Dade County, and it jumpstarted more programs in Florida and other places in America.


The time limit for bilingual education

How long is 2 years?

The student spends lots of time learning from both languages until he is ready to learn in English only.  The very latest a child can have this program is 6th grade.

What is a Transitional Bilingual Program?


True or False:

Being permissive in bilingual education was a way to promote being bilingual.

False. It was a way to avoid forcing people away from their home cultures.


In the 1890s, the Immigration Restrictive League created a test that forced immigrants to be able to read this many words in any language in order to proceed with immigration

What is 40?


This act was passed and forged a new path to embracing bilingual education

What is the Bilingual Education Act?

ESL Programs were created in the Southwest and many immigrants found great pleasure knowing that they could be taught, even a little bit, in their native language.


What did Ron Unz say caused the immigrant children to not learn English?

What is bilingual education?

Ron Unz was the creator of Proposition 227.  This said that bilingual education was not effective.  He said that students were not learning English quickly enough, and that immigrant children were not successful enough with bilingual education.  At that time, though, only 30% of immigrant children were enrolled in bilingual education programs.


The students learn in L1 AND L2 extensively, but do not stop learning in both languages, even after they are proficient in English.

What is Maintenance or Developmental Bilingual Education?


What made all of this bilingual education possible?

The people lived around other people who shared their language and culture.


In 1923 this many states had English Only education laws

What is 34 states?


It is said that this is the most important court case in the history of bilingual education

What is Lau vs. Nichols?

1800 Chinese students said that they could not reach their potential because they simply could not understand the material being taught. In 1975, the Lay Remedies were created to help school districts know how they could implement a bilingual program


The Regan Administration determined that the Lau vs. Nichols case could be ignored and that bilingual education should be discarded. Had it remained in force, these are the guidelines

At least 25 students speaking the same L1 language in two consecutive grade levels between K and 8 were entitled to bilingual education


Speakers of English and another L1 are in the same classroom and both learn the other's language simultaneously.

What is a Two-Way Immersion Program?