Bilingualism and Globalization
Misconceptions about ELLs
Subtractive Programs
Models of Bilingual Education
Into the Multilingual Future
The condition of speaking only one language
What is monolingualism?
These programs immerse emergent bilinguals in English all day, every day.
What are English-only or English immersion programs?
In subtractive programs, students learn to communicate in English but lose most or all of this.
What is their native language proficiency?
This is the main difference among the the models of bilingual education.
What is the length of time students are instructed in their native language?
A unicycle and a bicycle are metaphors for these two outcomes of ELL programs.
What are monolinguals and bilinguals?
Educators must come to understand that, in a multilingual world, this should be considered the problem, not bilingualism.
What is monolingualism?
An assumption about this having no place in the classroom ignores what happens in bilingual households and communities, and discourages the development of biliteracy.
What is translation?
A structured English immersion program is different from an English-only program in this way.
What is additional training for teachers in structured English immersion programs?
These are the most common types of bilingual programs.
What are early-exit or transitional programs?
In Garcia's heteroglossic view of multilingual education, a good transportation metaphor for the languages of a bilingual speaker is this.
What is an all-terrain vehicle?
This happens to both indigenous and immigrant language groups, when the forms of and uses of minoritized languages change and are reduced.
What is language shift?
Cummins gave his third misconception this name, referring to the idea that two languages should be kept rigidly separate in bilingual classrooms.
What is the Two Solitudes?
In these programs, students receive a portion of their content instruction in their native language for 2-3 years, and are then placed in English-only instruction.
What are early exit or transitional bilingual programs?
This is the least common model of bilingual education, and one in which ELLs are kept separate from native English speakers.
What are late-exit or maintenance bilingual programs?
This type of bilingualism occurs when a community whose language is being lost, such as the Maori of New Zealand, makes proactive efforts to pass it down to the next generation.
What is recursive bilingualism?
To reinforce a request, to exclude people from the conversation, or to clarify a point, for example.
What are reasons that people code-switch?
This kind of support has been shown, paradoxically, to help emergent bilinguals learn their newer language faster.
What is first or native language support?
This type of program to support ELLs is the most traditional in the United States.
What is pull-out ESL English instruction?
Goals of these programs are full proficiency in both languages, appreciation of two cultures, and high levels of academic achievement.
What are dual-language programs?
Garcia prefers this term to the term ELL, because educators need to acknowledge that there is more to a student than their need to learn English.
What is emergent bilinguals?
This principle states that, rather than developing equal abilities in two languages, bilinguals develop the languages they need to speak about different topics, to different people, in different circumstances.
What is the complementarity principle?
This strategy, which helps emergent bilinguals learn their newer language by relying on words which have similar spellings and meanings in both languages, would be against the rules in a classroom where only one language could be used at a time.
What is using cognates?
When administrators equate these two types of English proficiency, usually referred to by their acronyms, administrators believe ELLs are ready for all-English content instruction because the ELLs can easily converse with others in English.
What is BICS and CALP?
Unlike the students that typically attend dual-language programs in the United States, the students in Canada's French and English dual-language programs share this characteristic.
What is coming from an English-only background?
This perspective sees bilinguals and multilinguals using their languages in a variety of settings for a variety of purposes.
What is a dynamic perspective?