Historical Legislation
Pivotal Court Cases
Current Policy and Terminology
Types of Bilingual Programs
The Vocabulary of Bilingual Education
This amendment established the constitutional basis for the educational rights of language minority students.
What is the 14th Amendment?
This pivotal court case of 1954 desegregated schools, ruling separation unconstitutional and that educational opportunities must be equal for all students.
What is Brown v. the Board of Education?
According to Merriam-Webster, this concept is defined as: “loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations.
What is nationalism?
This type of language program involves a mixed class of native English speaking students and native speakers of another language, all receiving instruction in both languages.
What is a Dual Language Immersion Program?
The language a person has spoken since early childhood, also referred to as L1.
What is a person’s native language?
This 1906 legislation established an early precedent for requiring immigrants into the U.S. to speak English.
What is the Nationality Act?
This 1974 Supreme Court case outlawed the practice of mainstreaming students who did not speak English, citing that “There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, text books, teachers and curriculum; for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education.”
What is What is Lau v. Nichols?
Adopted under No Child Left Behind, this term refers to students in the process of learning English. These individuals were previously called bilinguals, or minority students.
What are English Language Learners or ELLs?
This type of instruction, popular in the U.S., involves teaching English as a foreign language. Because all instruction happens in English, it is not considered a bilingual program.
What is ESL (English as a Second Language)?
This form of communication expresses individuals’ identities, acts as a means to disseminate history, contributes to present knowledge, and creates and symbolizes cultures.
What is language?
Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 made allowances for federal funds to be used for bilingual education programs and was also known by this name.
What is The Bilingual Education Act?
This 1981 court case set the standard for evaluating effective bilingual education programs by requiring schools to create sound curriculum, employ proficient teachers, and create a system for program evaluation. However, the case did not provide many specifics, only that implemented programs must take "appropriate action to overcome language barriers."
What is Casteneda v. Pickard?
Throughout history and now in the technologically advanced, internet-based world of today individuals with power use this wide-reaching communication resource to popularize thoughts, ideas, legislation, products, and concepts. In regards to bilingual education, it is often used to promote political biases in society.
What is the mass media?
This type of language program involves usage of decreasing amounts of a student’s native language for instruction each year throughout elementary school.
What is late-exit, or maintenance bilingual education?
This term refers to the co-existence of diverse cultures, including religious and racial, where behaviors, assumptions, values, patterns of thoughts, and communicative styles are practiced often in the same location or context.
What is multiculturalism?
This far-reaching legislation effectively did away with the Bilingual Education Act, replacing it with Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students in 2001.
What is No Child Left Behind?
This 1927 Supreme Court case from Hawaii struck down previous regulations restricting schooling in children’s native languages. It established that instruction in a child’s first language is their right, and a decision to be made by parents, not the state.
What is Farrington v. Tokushige?
This curriculum, adopted in 2009, is a rigorous set of guidelines and learning targets, often assessed through standardized testing, which due to their depth and breadth ultimately require English-only instruction.
What are the Common Core State Standards?
This program focuses on moving students away from their native language (L1) as quickly as possible in an effort to have students use the dominant language (L2). The program’s overall goal is to help students move towards L2 monolingualism in order to thrive in ‘mainstream’ society.
What is transitional bilingual education?
This term refers to the addition of another language or culture that does not replace or displace the first language or culture.
What is additive bilingualism?
California’s Proposition 227 stipulates that students who are not English proficient be placed in a “transitional program of structured English immersion” which is typically intended to last this long (Cummins, 2003, pg. 47).
What is one year?
This 1976 case in Colorado helped establish the idea that bilingual education was compatible with desegregation.
What is Keyes v. School District no. 1, Denver, CO?
This bill was introduced in California in March of 2014 in an effort to overturn Proposition 227.
What is SB 1174 (Lara)?
This program seeks to, “strengthen the student’s sense of cultural and linguistic identity, and affirm their individual and collective ethnolinguistic rights” (May, 2008). Language instruction is typically 50% or more in L1 in order to strengthen students’ acquisition of L2. The program typically lasts 4 years.
What is maintenance bilingual education?
This term refers to the transitional stage of language acquisition, when one language is well-developed and the other is in the early stages of development.
What is incipient bilingualism?