Bilingual Education 1700-1920's
Legal History of Bilingual Education
No Child Left Behind
Language Demographics
Language Modles
As a result of the linguistic diversity present in the 19th century, not all educational institutions required a single language of instruction, instead local communities and schools provided an alternative referred to as?
What is bilingual education
What supreme court decision allowed illegal immigrant children access to a free public education?
What is Plyler vs. Doe 1981
What year was the No Child Left Behind Act created?
What is 2001
In 2002 it was reported that over 300 languages were spoken by the 5.5 million English learners in US public schools; with 80% of these students speaking what language?
What is Spanish
This practices, which mainstreams English learners without support, is no longer considered a legal option or a best practice in the education of English learners?
What is Submersion
During the 19th century large numbers of immigrants created their own communities with like cultures and languages. These communities were referred to as?
What is an enclave
What acts in 1968 and 1974 provided funding to education for the " special educational needs" of students with limited English proficiency?
What are the Bilingual Acts of 1968 and 1974
No Child Left Behind brought about a new era of accountability for both teachers and administration. Student success and school success was now measured using what kind of assessment?
What is high-stakes testing
English learners have consistently achieved lower test scores as compared to other demographic groups, as well as a higher drop out rate, this educational concern is referred to as?
What is the Achievement gap
This model pulls English learners out of class for intensive language instruction. English learners in this model spend the majority of their day in English only classrooms?
What is ESL Pullout
As a consequence of increased immigration and language diversity, this act, originally crafted to create more cultural and language hegemony, stated that to become a naturalized US citizen one must be able to speak English.
What is Naturalization act of 1906
In this historical Supreme Court Decision, it was decided that "separate but equal" educational institutions were no longer acceptable, and did not provide true equal access to education.
What is Brown vs. Board of Education 1954
While NCLB required more accountability in regard to the education of English learners, NCLB was criticized for eliminating provisions for bilingual education originally put in place by what act?
What is The Bilingual Act of 1968
Although there are some Federal provisions for bilingual education, or additive bilingual instruction, where both languages are instructed with equal importance, the majority of bilingual education focuses more on learning English, this type of instruction is referred to as
What is subtractive bilingualism
This model provides English learners with support in native language instruction for up to 3 years?
What is Transitional Bilingual Education
During the 1880's, in an effort to assimilate this diverse group of peoples, the US government removed children from these communities and placed them in English only boarding schools.
What are Native Americans
This Amendment established the constitutional basis for the rights of minority students.
What is the 14th Amendment
No Child Left Behind has received both criticism and praise for requiring accountability in academic achievement; all students regardless of native language are expected to attain what to be in compliance with NCLB?
What is Adequate yearly progress
Currently the fastest growing student population in the US is?
What are English Learners
This model provides English learners with native language support in content areas, and additional instruction in language arts in their native language? (What is Maintenance Bilingual Education)
What is Maintenance Bilingual Education
What event in the early 19th century inspired the elimination of German/English education and a cultural push for monolingual education?
What is World War I
The US Supreme court agreed with Chinese students' argument that, "There is no equality of treatment by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers and curriculum, for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful learning." in what court decision?
What is Lau vs. Nichols 1974
Which President signed the NCLB Act into law? George W. Bush.
What or who is George W. Bush
There are several factors that put students at risk of academic failure, aside from the challenges of learning English, what other challenge is over represented in the English Learner population?
What is Economic disadvantage
The goal of this model is to develop bilingual and biliteracy skills in two languages concurrently?
What is Enrichment, Two-way, or Dual Language Bilingual Education