Bilingual Programs
Issues in Bilingual Edu

What is the difference between theories of translanguaging and code switching ?

In translanguaging there is no such “switch” because bilingual speakers are selecting or  inhibiting different features in their unitary repertoire based on the given communicative situation.


In this type of program, students are placed in mainstream classrooms, there is no specific support dedicated to learning English. There are no teachers present who are qualified to teach emergent bilinguals. 

Submersion or Sink-or-Swim Program 


What amendment makes bilingual education a constitutional right? 

14th Amendment 


Define biliteracy  

Any and all instances in which communication occurs in two or more languages in and around writing.


Define a translanguaging space 

A social space for multilingual language users, a space for the act of translanguaging as well as a space created through translanguaging (Li Wei, 2011) (p.63).


In this type of program the goal is for students to learn english as soon as possible without falling behind. Once they have learned they can exit the program. This program is typically offered for 1-3 years.

Early Exit/ Transitional Program 


What is the name of the court case in California brought up by Chinese American parents on the ground that their children did not receive equitable education?

Lau v. Nichols


In this study, the authors determined that bilingually schooled students outperformed comparable monolingual schooled students in all subjects

Thomas and Collier (2002)


Describe bilingualism from an insider's perspective versus an outsiders perspective 

But when seen from the bilingual speaker's own point of view   (the insider's point of view, and not the external nation-state perspective), bilingual have their own complex linguistic repertoire with features that are socially identified as belonging to two or more named languages (p. 61)


This type of bilingual program brings together English speakers and speakers of languages other than English. It focuses on bilingualism, biliteracy, and academic achievement in English.

Dual Language Programs 


Name three states that passed English Only Laws 

California, Arizona, Massachuchets. 


How do dual language programs further perpetuate dominant ideas of language? 

Certain langages are privileged over others (p. 67)

Where does the term translanguaging originally come from? 

coined in Welsh (trawsieithu) by educator Can Williams, translated into English by Colin baker


This program model promotes the learning of English by supporting the use of students’ home language to clarify academic concepts and assignments.

Sheltered English


What is a significant problem with CCSS for emergent bilinguals? 

-No coherent language theory, subscribe to the idea that students use 2 separate languages, in isolation. 


Explain the ideas of subtractive and additive bilingualism, how is it different from translanguaging or dynamic bilingualism 

L1+L2-L1= L2

L1+L2= L1 +L2


What is the discourse shift/ or shift in message between the terms bilingual education and dual-language programs

Dual-language programs also involve language majority students who are learning an additional language for “enrichment”.


Describe the history and the multiple reauthorizations of the Bilingual Education Act (Title VII)

1968- Did  not require bilingual edu, gave money to school districts to start programs or create bilingual instructional materials, schools with low-income students 

1974- any student, regardless of income would receive bilingual support for as long as they needed. 

1980's tone was for English Only programs 

1994- gives attention to dual language programs