the early stage of development in a person's life, usually from birth to two years old
They [have lived/have been living] in New York for five years, and they [have bought/have been buying] a house in the suburbs.
have been living, have bought
Почему ты так занят в последнее время?
Why have you been so busy recently?
How do you say love in french?
l’ amour
to become very skilled at something through practice and experience
to master
Lisa [has tried/has been trying] not to eat sugar for a month, and she's doing great so far.
has been trying
Я работаю над домашкой по английскому с 8 утра (и все еще не закончил).
I've been working on my English homework since eight o'clock this morning.
What is the most widespread language(in terms of native speakers)
Mandarin Chinese
happening at the same time
We [have loved/have been loving] each other since the first day we met.
have loved
Ты хорошо себя чувствуешь? (вопрос указывает на то, что человек не важно выглядит и что-то с ним не так)
Have you been feeling alright?
What two languages do the jewish speak( one is new and not so widespread today)
Hebrew and Idish
to keep or continue to have something
to retain
I [have studied/have been studying] Spanish for the past year, and I [have been mastering/have mastered] the grammar.
have been studying, have mastered
Ты куришь? (человек беспокоится, что от него пахнет сигаретами или есть еще какие-то проявления этой привычки)
Have you been smoking? –
Although his books have been translated into dozens of languages, in what language did Franz Kafka typically write?
to recognize the difference between two things or people
to distinguish
I [have lost/have been losing] my keys and I [have tried/have been trying] to contact my wife all morning, but she isn't answering her phone.
have lost, have been trying
Мне не нравилась эта песня с самого первого раза, как я ее услышал.
I've disliked that song since I first heard it.
What does it mean in Latin “Carthago delenda est” (Carthago is a state)
Carthage must be destroyed