What Are English Learners
Educational Programs
Political History

A synonym for English Learners

What is an Emergent Bilingual?


In this program, ELL students are pulled our for special services.

What are Pull-out ESL programs?


This act was created in 1968 and established a federal goal of assisting ELL students in the quick acquisition of English and limited participation to poor students.

What is the Title VII Act (Bilingual Education Act)?


This prevents districts from offering more dual language opportunities.

What is No Child Left Behind?


A higher percentage of ELL's are in these grade levels.

What is PK through 3rd grade?


This program supports students acquisition of both English and the development of their home language. 

What is Developmental Bilingual Education (Late Exit) program?


This act stated all students must achieve the level of "proficient" in state assessment systems.

What is No Child Left Behind?


Focus has changed from ____________ to _________

What is providing educational opportunities to closing the achievement gap (testing)?


Student on free/reduced lunch indicate this type of status.

What is low income (poor)?


This program supports fluency in both English and the student's native language within classrooms so all students emerge as bilingual.

What is a Two-way Bilingual Education program?


This act, established in 1964, prohibited discrimination based on race, color or national origin and stated no person could be denied benefits of any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

What is the Civil Rights Act?


This population is rapidly rising?

What is the ELL population?


This percent of ELL's struggle using abstract language.

What is 85%?


In this program, ELL's are provided the exact same educational services as native English speakers.

What is the Submersion (Sink or Swim) program?


Under which act were funds only provided to ELL students for 3 years, in other words, schools had 3 years to move ELL's to fluency in English?

What is the Bilingual Education Act?


This is a benefit of bilingualism.

What is Greater mental flexibility?


54% of ELL parents do not have this.

What is a high school education?


This program uses student native language to some degree, but focuses on English acquisition as soon as possible. 

What is the Transitional Bilingual Education program?


Which act has lead to school districts focusing on closing the achievement gap rather than providing opportunities for ELL students to become truly bilingual?

What is the No Child Left Behind Act?


Two ways to provide equity for ELL students.

What is educational programs, fair assessments, adequate resources and parent and community involvement?