A 20-year-old college student starts his own newspaper, which often prints articles making fun of the local mayor. The mayor is angry and gets his aides to take the papers off the stand before they can be distributed.
1st Amendment
A young woman is being tried for treason. She is accused of selling plans for building a nuclear weapon to Iran. The judge believes it would be dangerous to let the public hear her ideas. He refuses to allow anyone to view the trial.
6th Amendment
A group of teenagers gather quietly on a street corner. Neighbors complain and ask the police to arrest them for getting together as a group. The police refuse.
1st Amendment
A suspect is arrested and coerced into confessing to a crime through extended interrogation without being informed of their right to remain silent or have an attorney present.
5th Amendment
A court sentences a non-violent offender to 50 years in solitary confinement for a minor drug possession charge.
8th Amendment