What is the bill of rights?
The first 10 amendments to the United States constitution
When was the Bill Of Rights ratified?
December 15 1791
Who introduced the Bill Of Rights?
James Madison
What is the second amendment?
Protects the right of citizens to keep and bear arms
What is the fourth amendment?
protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure of their property
What is the fifth amendment?
protects citizens from self Incrimination
what was the sixth amendment?
guarantees the right to counsel
How does the bill of rights relate to the 14th amendment?
applies the bill of rights to the states through a process called selective incorporation
how many amendments make up the bill of rights?
what does the first amendment protect?
Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition
what does the Elghth amendment prohibita?
Cruel and unusual punishment
what does the fourth amendment protect?
unresanable searches and seazures
what does the 10th amendment establish?
powers not delegated to the federal government by the constitution are reserved to states