The rights of every American, including freedoms of religion, speech, and press.
Guarantees Americans the right to bear arms, or own guns
Olivia owns a handgun for personal protection in her home. She legally purchased it and has a permit. Which amendment protects her right to own a gun?
The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantee individual freedoms and rights.
Bill of Rights
How many amendments in the Bill of Rights?
Unreasonable bail or fines and cruel and unusual punishment are prohibited.
Protects the privacy of American citizens by prohibiting unreasonable searches of property
Police officers arrive at Jake’s house and demand to search his home without a warrant or probable cause. Jake refuses, knowing he is protected under which amendment?
The right to practice any religion or no religion at all without government interference (First Amendment).
Freedom of Religion
What is bail?
Money paid to the court to be released from jail before trial (Eighth Amendment).
The government cannot force citizens to shelter soldiers.
Protects Americans from self-incrimination and guarantees the right to a fair legal trial. Right to remain silent
After being convicted of theft, David is sentenced to 50 years of hard labor in extreme heat with no access to water. His lawyer argues that this punishment is too harsh for the crime. Which amendment protects David from this kind of punishment?
Housing and feeding soldiers in private homes, which is restricted under the Third Amendment.
Can the government make a law that bans a certain religion?
No, the First Amendment protects freedom of religion.
The right to a fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury.
Americans have rights that are not listed in the Constitution
James is arrested and charged with a crime. He spends three years in jail waiting for his trial because the court keeps delaying it. His lawyer argues that this violates his constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial. Which amendment protects James?
A legal document issued by a judge that allows law enforcement to conduct a search or arrest (Fourth Amendment).
Which amendment protects states' rights?
Powers not given to the U.S. government belong to the states or the people.
Guarantees the right to a trial by jury in civil cases where damages exceed $20
Emma is suing a contractor for $50,000 because he did not complete the work he was paid for. She wants a jury to decide the case. Which amendment guarantees her right to a trial by jury in civil cases?
Being tried for the same crime twice, which is prohibited (Fifth Amendment).
Double Jeopardy
If a person is found not guilty of a crime, can they be tried again for the same crime?
No, that would be double jeopardy, which is forbidden by the Fifth Amendment.