1st amendment
2nd/4th amendment
5th amendment
6th amendment
8th/9th/10th amendment

These are the rights protected under this amendment. 

What are freedom of speech, assembly, press, religion, and petition.


There exact words in the 2nd amendment mean that we have right to own a gun.

What is the right to bear arms?


A decision made by a grand jury that officially ACCUSES someone of a crime but does not mean that someone actually is guilty of that crime. 

What is an indictment?


This right found in the 6th amendment, means that your trial cannot be held in secret.

What is the right to a trial by jury or speedy and public trial?


The likelihood of an accused person fleeing and not showing up for his or her trial date, affects how a judge decides this amount.

What is bail?


This clause prohibits the government from establishing an official religion.

What is the establishment clause?


What police officers must have in order to search  your home.

What is a search warrant?


The right given to homeowners that says the government can take private land from citizens, only if they pay fair market value. 

What is eminent domain?


This right of the accused requires the state to provide legal counsel to you if you cannot afford one.

What is the right to an attorney?


This saying means that your punishment cannot be cruel or unusual.

What is "the punishment must fit the crime".


Under this freedom, we are allowed to form like minded groups such as labor unions and political parties or clubs. 

What is the freedom of assembly?


The belief that the second amendment no longer applies since it talks about the right to maintain a well regulated militia. 

What is a strict interpretation of the 2nd amendment?


This popular saying,often heard on cop or law shows and required by law officers to tell a person upon their arrest, means that you do not have to testify against yourself.

What is "you have the right to remain silent"?


This right of the accused protects a person from a jury that is bias against him or her.

What is a fair and impartial jury?


This amendment says that the government cannot take away rights just because they are not listed in the Constitution. A good example of this would be the right to privacy.

What is the 9th amendment.


This 1st amendment right gives us the freedom to criticize our government. 

What is freedom of speech?


You have a right to own guns for personal safety. 

How has the Supreme Court interpreted the 2nd amendment or a loose interpretation?


You cannot be tried for the same crime twice.

What is double jeopardy?


You cannot have your life, freedom, or your personal property without having gone through all the proper and legal steps first, such as a trial by jury and being able to call and hear witnesses. 

What is due process?


This amendment says that any powers not listed in the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people.

What is the 10th amendment?


A charge made when you SAY lies about someone.

What is slander?


This is where law enforcement would obtain a search warrant.

What is a judge?