Right to bear arms
What is the 2nd amendment?
The first amendment.
What is Freedom of religion, assembly, press, petition, and speech?
Each branch of government holds some control over the other two branches to keep them from becoming too powerful.
What is checks and balances?
The legislative branch writes the laws, the executive enforces them, and the judicial interprets them.
What is separation of powers?
Owen is angry because the cops came and took his guns from him without a warrant.
What is the 2nd Amendment?
Freedom of R.A.P.P.S.
What is the first amendment?
The 4th amendment.
What is no unreasonable searches or siezures?
Each of the three branches of government has its own responsibilities.
What is separation of powers?
The states are allowed to make marriage laws, the nation prints money.
What is federalism?
Tyler is charged with jaywalking and is being forced to play frogger in the street to teach him a lesson.
What is the 8th amendment?
You may not be put on trial twice for the same crime.
What is the fifth amendment?
The 6th amendment.
What is the right to a speedy and fair trial?
All political power is inherent in the people.
What is popular sovereignty?
A constitution that can be changed is known as this type of document.
What is a living document?
April is angry because Private Jarman has been moved into her house by the government.
What is the 3rd amendment?
Search warrants can only be issued only upon probably cause.
What is the fourth amendment?
The 8th amendment.
What is no cruel or unusual punishment?
A foreign national living on an official basis in a country of which they are not a citizen.
What is a resident alien?
Texans elect Greg Abbott to represent the state of Texas.
What is republicanism?
Logan is sitting in jail for a crime she committed, but she hasn't had a trial date set for months.
What is the 6th amendment?
Powers not delegated to the United States are reserved to the states.
What is the 10th amendment?
The 7th amendment.
What is the right to a trial in civil cases?
A city that writes its own charter and can therefore govern in its own way.
What is a home-rule city?
The Constitution shall be the supreme Law of the Land.
What is supremacy?
Jordan is on trial for assaulting William, he is not allowed to find witnesses to help him out and he was not offered a lawyer.
What is the 5th amendment?