It's the first thing you look for when working a case at any phase.
Merchant credit
True or False: When working special disputes, you do not need to review for a merchant credit.
The letters DNR stand for what?
Does not recognize.
The reason code for this special dispute is IN.
Invalid number
True or False: International cases can be charged back for Quality.
The letter number for merchant refund in the Arbitration phase.
The order of the lifecycle of a case is what?
Ticket Retrieval Request, Chargeback, Representment, Pre-Arbitration, Arbitration
True or False: Disputes opened on a credit resolved in the Customer favor will result in an additional credit to the account.
False: It will result in a "debit" to remove the credit from the account.
Customer name and Billing Address do not match. What is your next step?
Complete an outbound call. If no answer,
What do the letters CBO stand for?
Credit Bust Out