The number of birds I’ve had that are now all dead.
How many is 2?
My age when I first started drinking.
How old is 12 years?
How many people have I “talked to” during high school?
What is 3?
The track event I did where I broke my foot two seasons in a row for.
What is long jump/triple jump?
The anti-depressant I take.
What is Prozac
The gift my dad give me for passing the CBE with a 97?
The most amount of shots I’ve drunken in one sitting.
What is 10 shots?
What job field was the academy I rejected part of?
What is medical?
What is sleep apnea?
The year I was diagnosed with depression.
The subject that was the reason my sister punch me in 7th grade.
What is math?
How many times have I been detained by the police?
What is 2?
The amount of years I was in band.
What is three?
The amount of caffeine I drink on average per day.
What is 400mg?
What type of supplement do I take for anxiety?
The day my mom decided to lock me in the study because I forgot a plus minus while doing math.
What is my 11th birthday?
How many of my friends drink on a daily basis?
What was my peak 100m sprint time? (before I quit)
What is 13 seconds?
The number of days of school I skipped in 8th grade.
What is 48?
The way I controlled my schizophrenia.
What is humming?
The phrase my mom says when I tell her I’m sad.
What is “you should pray more?”
tWhat brand of car did I drive around while in my hometown?
What is Ford?
What is 2 years?
My age when I first got tested for cancer?
The type of sensory issue I have.
What is sensory modulation disorder? (SMD)