What are things we need to survive
A place where you store your money
Small round metal money
What is a plan for how to use your money?
Money that we make or earn
Things we don't need, but would like to have
Adding money to your bank account.
Paper money with a bigger value than coins
Money that you set aside to use later
Money that we spend
Rent, electricity, groceries, water, etc. are examples of?
What is taking money out of your bank account
What amount of dollar bills can you have?
$1 to $100 bills
examples = $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100 dollar bill
The things that you are expected to help out with like daily chores or tasks?
Paying money for the things you need and use
Paying billls
A new video game is an example of a ?
A card that lets you spend money in your bank account
debit cards
What are the 4 types of coins? (a 100 point bonus if you can name their amount).
Penny (1 cent), Nickel (5 cents), Dime (10 cents), Quarter (25 cents)
What do we say if a friend asks us for money?
We say NOO!! or ask a trusted adult or parent.
When do we have to pay our bills?
Either right away (at a restaurant or when we buy a new shirt) or monthly (phone/wifi, rent, music subscription, etc.)
How do you decide between buying a need vs.a want
We can budget or prioritize our money for the month based off of our needs vs. wants.
If you want to save your money to use later, you can store it here
A savings account
Do debit cards let us spend money that we don’t have?
Some people on the internet try and trick us by making fake websites or fake accounts. What is this called?
Online scam
You all have hourly rate of $22.50. If you come to class and clock in you earn around $67.50 per week. Which is around 270$ per month. This is an example of a ?
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