What are chloroplasts?
What is sucrose?
What is topsoil or horizon A?
Period of light exposure
What is the photoperiod?
Site of earliest crop domestication
What is the fertile crescent.
Connects two plant cells together
What is a plasmodesmata?
The physiological loss of water in the form of water vapor
What is transpiration?
These symbiotic organisms increase surface area of roots and gave plants the advantage to colonize land.
What is mycorrhiza fungi?
Any chemical substance that promotes seedling elongation
What are auxin hormones?
Water follows this ion to open the stomata
What is potassium?
Increases surface area of plant roots
What are root hairs.
Waxy barrier that stops solutions from entering the xylem via the extracellular route
What is the Casparian Strip?
Legumes have a symbiotic relationship with this bacteria
What is rhizobium bacteria?
Promotes cytokinesis and travels roots to leaves
What are cytokinin hormones?
List of four major macronutrients
What are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen?
Undeveloped shoots
The loss of water vapor creates a negative ____________ at the leaf surface.
What is water potential?
These four bacteria help plants prevent nitrogen deficiency
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria (N2 to NH4/NH3)
Nitrifying bacteria (NH$ to NO3)
Ammonifying bacteria (Organic Material to NH4)
Denitrifying bacteria (NO3 to N2)
What is gibbberellins?
The parenchyma cells form this layer where the leaf stalk separates from the stem
What is the abscission layer?
The three types of plant tissue and cells in each tissue
Ground Tissue = parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma
Vascular Tissue = Phloem, Xylem
Dermal Tissue = Epidermal cells, Stomata, Guard Cells
Phloem sap is carried from _______ to _______.
Sugar source to sugar sink
Three goals of soil conservation
What is proper irrigation, erosion prevention, and prudent fertilization?
The hormone that accumulates in leaves to close stomata
What is abscisic acid (ABA)?
Protein that increases during daylight to reset the plant's biological clock