This is one of the seven characteristics of living things.
What is
Order + levels of organization
Response to stimuli
Growth and development
Energy for metabolism?
These are the two types of factors that influence a species' ecology.
What are abiotic and biotic factors?
This is where the majority of digestion occurs in humans.
What is the duodenum?
This is the type of learning that is done by gradually m modifying the consequence of someone/something's behaviors.
What is operant conditioning?
This is the type of immune system insects and invertebrates have.
What is innate immune systems?
This was Lamarck's incorrect hypothesis regarding evolution.
What is the inheritance of acquired traits?
This is the term for when mountains block rain and force air to cool and condense, causing lots of rain on the shore side of mountains, and little rain on the far side?
What is a rain shadow?
This is the type of receptor that our pain is processed by.
What are mechanoreceptors?
This is a type of innate behavior characterized by undirected movement in response to a stimulus.
What is kinesis?
This is an example of pre-hatching or birth parental care.
What is egg guarding, oxygenation, cleaning, or protecting pregnant females?
This is speciation that occurs when two species do not share the same geographic space.
What is allopatric speciation?
This is the type of survivorship curve that a tree may display.
What is Type 3?
This is the name of one of the circuits blood takes in the human body, specifically the one that pumps blood to the lungs.
What is the pulmonary circuit?
This is the how type questions with regards to behaviors.
What are proximate questions?
This is the type of gametes that humans display.
What is oogamy?
This is an example of a postzygotic barrier of sympatric speciation.
What is difficulty with pregnancy/birth, reduced hybrid vitality, or sterile hybrids?
This is a strategy of reproduction that is displayed by reproducing multiple times throughout a lifetime.
What is iteroparity?
These are the holes in an insect cuticle that can open and close to let air into the respiratory system.
What are spiracles?
These are three of the nine requirements for a behavior to be considered a fixed action pattern.
What are triggered by stimulus, predetermined rigid actions, not learned, hereditary, all members of species, complex, inappropriate trigger, not a choice, and uninterruptable?
These are the three types of post fertilization development in internal fertilization.
What are oviparity, ovoviviparity, and vivipary?
This is the theory behind Hard-Weinberg's equations.
What is the principle of equilibrium?
What is the idea that a populations allele frequency will remain stable unless there is evolution?
This is a strategy for determining which populations to focus conservation techniques on that is different than the declining population approach.
What is the small population approach?
This is the second step in muscle stimulation.
What is acetylcholine being released into synaptic cleft?
This is how bird songs evolved.
What is once in a common ancestor then was lost by all but 3 groups?
This is a disruption to the learned immune system that results from immune cells attacking the myelin sheaths of nerves.
What is multiple sclerosis?