This protein transcribes the DNA
What is RNA Polymerase
These parts of DNA never get translated, and are cut during processing
What are introns
TAC is the start codon in this strand
What is the template strand
Translation occurs on this organell
What is the Ribosome
The third planet from the sun
What is Earth
These proteins bind to switches and ignite transcription when it comes into contact with RNA polymerase
What are activators
The nucleotides that makes up the end of an mRNA are what letter
What are A’s
DNA transcription occurs here
What is the nucleus
Translation takes place in this part of the cell
What is the cytoplasm
The first place to see the sun rise
What is Caroline Island
These parts of Transcription are found in every cell and are part of your DNA and are not promoters
This enzyme does the splicing of introns
What is a spliceosome
These nucleotides exist in DNA, but are changed to a different nucleotide when transcribed
What is T (What are T’s)
These sequences make up the ribosomes
What are rRNA
The national animal of Scotland
What is a unicorn
RNA Polymerase always transcribes this from 3’->5’ and is complementary to the coding strand
What is the template strand
The term for the RNA before processing has occurred is this
This part of your DNA is before every gene in the negative nucleotide sequences
what is a promoter
The final codon translated that ends a sequence can be what nucleotide sequence? (Any accepted)
what is UAA, UAG, or UGA
this ceremony is common in the world, but what a coincidence it happened between Minnie and Mickey in real life
What is marriage
If we start with 5’-AGCTTCGCCAT-3’ in the template, this is what the RNA strand should look like
What is 5’-AUGGCGAAGCU-3’
These regions stay in after processing has occurred, but still do not get translated
what are the 5 and 3 prime UTRs
What would the Coding DNA strand nucleotides look like if the mRNA showed 5’-AUGCCGUGG-3’
What is 5’-ATGCCGTGG-3’
These proteins are coded for if the template strand from 3’ to 5’ reads 3’-TACGGAATGTTG-5’
This country has the most Kit-Kat flavors, clocking in at over 200
What is Japan