What are examples of microorganisms?
Lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, intestinal lymphoid tissue, lymphatic circulation
What are the lymphoid structures?
Transport oxygen and nutrients to all tissues, removal of waste products of cellular metabolism, and helps to maintain body homeostasis
What is the function of the circulatory system?
Systemic - pulmonary - systemic circulation
What is blood flow?
Process of inspiration and expiration
What is ventilation?
Small obligate intercellular parasites which require living host for replication
What are viruses?
Lymphocytes, and macrophages
What are the immune cells?
Plasma (plasma proteins), cellular component (erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes)
Dietary modifications, regular exercise program, and cessation of smoking
What are general treatment measures for cardiac disorders?
Partial pressure gradient, thickness of the respiratory membrane, total surface area available for diffusion, ventilation-perfusion ration
Incubation period, prodromal period, and acute period
What are the different stages of infection?
When lymphocytes are programmed to attack non-self cells to protect the body
What is cell-mediated immunity?
2. Platelet clot
3. Coagulation mechanism
What are the three steps in blood clotting in maintaining homeostasis?
Illustrates conduction activity of heart, and is useful in the initial diagnosis and monitoring of dysrhythmias, myocardial infarction, infection, and pericarditis
What is electrocardiography?
Sneezing, coughing, sputum, eupena, kussmal respirations, labored respiration/prolonged inspiration or expiration, wheezing or whistling sounds, stridor, dyspnea, orthopnea, cyanosis, pleural pain, friction rub, clubbed digits, and changes in arterial blood gases
What are some of the general manifestations of respiratory disease?
Drugs derived from organisms, can also be made synthetically
What are antibiotics?
Severe life-threatening systemic hypersensitivity reaction. Airway may be obstructed, hypoxia may occur.
What is anaphylactic shock?
- Hemoglobin deficit
What are the anemias?
Occurs when there is a deficit of oxygen to meet myocardial needs, can occur in different patters, could be recurrent, intermittent or brief episodes, likely triggered by emotional or physical stress
What is angina pectoris?
* Caused by M. tuberculosis;
- can survive in dried sputum for weeks
- destroyed by ultraviolet light, heat, alcohol. glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde
- normal neutrophil response does not occur
- Cell - mediated immunity normally protection
* primarily affects lungs, other organs made be invaded
What is the pathophysiology of tuberculosis?
What are the modes of action of antivirals?
Chronic inflammatory disease, affecting a number of organ systems, typically characterized by a "butterfly rash", affecting primarily younger women.
What is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?
Opportunistic infections, sepsis, congestive heart failure, hemorrhage, liver failure, renal failure, CNS depression and coma
What are complications of leukemia?
Changes in ECG, serum enzyme and isoenzyme levels, serum levels of myosin and cardia troponin are elevated, leukocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR, Arterial blood gas measurements, pulmonary artery pressure measurements
What are some of the diagnostic tests for myocardial infarction?
Inherited genetic disorder, tenacious mucous from exocrine glands, primary effects seen in lungs and pancreas
What is cystic fibrosis?