The fissure that separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum.
What is the transverse fissure.
The lobe of the brain that houses all the functional areas for motor control of skeletal muscles.
What is the frontal lobe.
True or False: The diencephalon consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland and the brain stem.
What is false
The fissure that separates the 2 cerebral hemispheres.
What is the longitudinal fissure.
This hemisphere houses our language areas and is better with numbers and logic.
What is the left hemisphere.
The surface of the brain is known as the _____________ and is composed of ______ matter.
What is the cortex and gray matter
If this area of the brain were damaged you may no longer be able to recognize what you are seeing, or detect movement or texture of visual images.
What is the visual association area.
The hormone produced by the pineal gland to regulate our sleep/wake cycles.
What is melatonin.
What is the forebrain.
The axons that travel within the medulla to connect areas within the same hemisphere.
What are association fibers.
This lobe houses our functional areas for hearing and smell.
This area interprets sensory impulses from the skin of the opposite side of the body to create the sensation.
What is the somatosensory cortex.
This contains neurons that regulate our body temperature, thirst, hunger, and the release of many hormones.
What is the hypothalamus.
This is the functional area located on the precentral gyrus.
What is the primary motor cortex.
The ventricle found within each hemisphere.
What is the lateral ventricle.
A stroke that occurs where this functional area is located may result in an inability to comprehend what is being communicated to, and make it hard for you to formulate a sentence that will make sense to others.
What is Wernicke's area.
If this area were damaged you could move your muscles, but may need to relearn how to walk, ride a bike, or play the piano.
What is the premotor cortex.
This ventricle is in the center of the yo-yo shaped thalamus.
What is the 3rd ventricle.
The pituitary gland hangs from the hypothalamus by this stalk.
What is the infundibulum.
The mass of commissural fibers that connect the 2 hemispheres form this structure.
What is the Corpus Callosum.
This is the stimulus that causes the hypothalamus to inhibit the pineal gland.
What is bright light.
This area integrates all of your senses into a single sensory "thought" to send to the prefrontal cortex. It also allows for the spatial awareness of your own body parts.
What is the posterior association area.
What is the anterior pituitary.
This structure is considered the gateway to the cortex since almost all sensory (excepts smell) and motor impulses have to relay through this area.
What is the thalamus.
This structure of gray matter within the hemispheres helps to ensure that skeletal muscle movements are smooth and orderly, start and stop smoothly, without spontaneous muscle contractions.
What is the basal nucleus (ganglia).