Energy of motion.
What is kinetic energy?
These organelles are structurally designed to maximize this membranous feature.
What is surface area?
In photosynthesis and respiration, electrons travel in the form of this ion.
What is H-?
Monster energy memes.
Who is Kyle Kirby.
Energy in storage.
What is Potential Energy?
Both organelles contain many of these large modular membrane proteins, which can sometimes function as proton pumps.
What is ATP Synthetase?
When NAD+ becomes NADH, it has picked up this number of electrons.
What is one?
Deadpool actor.
Who is Catherine Ryan?
The constant vibration of atoms and molecules within a substance.
What is Thermal Energy?
What is Heat?
Only one of these organelles contain these unique structures, which absorb outside energy and use it to excite electrons.
What are photo systems?
As the pass through the ETC, high energy electrons provide energy that is required to create this.
What is the proton gradient?
Rapper Mac.
Who is Emile Miller?
The energy stored in a Covalent Bond.
What is Chemical Potential Energy?
Both organelles contain these on their inner membranes, consisting of a series of active transporter membrane proteins.
What are electron transport chains?
During photosynthesis, electrons gain energy from this large energy source.
What is the sun?
Arthurian enchantress.
Who is Morgan Murphy?
Enzymes work because they affect this energy.
What is activation energy?
Only one of these organelles contain the set of enzymes for this process, during which large carbon molecules are oxidized into smaller ones.
What is the Citric acid Cycle?
During photosynthesis, the electrons added to CO2 as it is reduced to glucose originally came from this molecule.
What is H2O?
What is water?
Iconic Oakland Raiders owner and GM.
Who is Lennon Davis?