Population Size
Changes in Ecosystems
Aquatic Ecosystems
Biodiversity Loss

A Burmese python competing for the same food resources as a panther is this type of limiting factor. (Biotic or Abiotic)

What is biotic?


This is the cause of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which leads to a changing climate.

What is combustion of fossil fuels?


This species prefers a pH of 4

What is a frog?


Habitat destruction is the leading cause for biodiversity loss. (True OR False)

What is true?


A barnacle hitches a ride on a whale. This neither helps nor harms the whales but the barnacle benefits by having access to food as the whale swims through the ocean. This is an example of this type of limiting factor. (Biotic or Abiotic)

What is biotic?

A changing climate can cause an increase in weather events such as stronger hurricanes. (True OR False)

What is Trues?


These two species would struggle if the pH were to drop below neutral 7

What are clown fish and coral?

Ocean acidification has this impact on aquatic biodiversity.

What is decrease it?


The graph shows the population of ants over the past 50 years. This letter represents a point in time when the ants reached carrying capacity.

What is letter D?

This type of ecological succession begins with a layer of soil after a disturbance such as a hurricane or fire.

What is secondary succession?


The abyssal zone of the ocean receives no sunlight but there is life at the bottom of the ocean. This process is absent from the food webs found in the abyssal zone.

What is photosynthesis? (Chemosynthesis is where bacteria in the deep ocean use chemicals to make organic food)


This makes an invasive species difficult to control.

What are no limiting factors?


This temperature range promotes the MOST  population growth.

What is 25oC - 27oC?


A volcano erupts and the lava cools to form rocks, leading to this type of ecological succession.

What is primary succession?


According to the data below, this is the range of temperature tolerance for this unknown fish species.


What is 1oC - 19oC?


This is a species that many other species rely on to survive.

What is keystone species?


This is the mathematical equation that represents when a population has reached its carrying capacity.

What is birth + immigration = death and emigration?


A volcano erupts and the ash suffocates the surrounding forest, mixing with the soil which leads to this type of ecological succession.

What is secondary succession?


This is the temperature that is expected to support the largest population of fish.

What is 8oC?


High biodiversity serves as a way to protect from this type of species.

What is invasive species?