Cell Cycle
DNA & Biochemistry 101
"Yo Momma"
History of Science

This is the final phase of Meosis that precedes cytoplasmic division ultimately resulting in 4 haploid cells.

What is Telophase II?

Remember: "PMAT" are part of M-phases. Interphase and cytokinesis are considered distinct from the M-phases. Meiosis has to undergo Meiosis I and Meiosis II, resulting in 4 daughter cells. Mitosis results in 2 daughter cells.


This three letter grouping found on tRNA molecules that pairs with a codon sequence in mRNA:


What is an anticodon?

Explanation: (A codon is a three nucleotide sequence that ultimately will code for an amino acid. The codon is transcribed from DNA into mRNA and then as it translated by a ribosome the codon sequence in the mRNA is matched to a corresponding anticodon in an tRNA molecule. The tRNA molecule carries a corresponding amino acid that then forms a polypeptide chain that can fold into a functional protein.)


In this "nucleotidic language", adenine pairs with uracil, and guanine pairs with cytosine.

What is RNA?

Note: (Adenine pairs with Thymine in DNA)


Your mother has two copies of the recessive form of an allele for a gene p. Represented graphically as the genotype pp. 

What is homozygous recessive?

Note: Terms to recall: genotype, phenotype, Homozygous recessive, Homozygous dominant, heterozygous, alleles.


These cancer cells were isolated from a patient without her knowledge or consent, but have contributed greatly in a number of scientific and medical discoveries.

What are HeLa cells?


A nondisjunction event occurs during meiosis resulting in a trisomy on chromosome 21. This genetic condition is more prevalent with advanced maternal age.

What is Down Syndrome?




What is a base pair deletion mutation?

Explanation: The corresponding DNA strand is missing the 3rd from the end base pair. This type of deletion mutation can result in a frameshift mutation that can result in translation errors. If an error occurs in DNA replication resulting in mutation, it can permanently alter the DNA sequence, resulting in misfolded proteins. (See also other types of mutations: insertion, subtitution etc.)


During the S-phase of interphase we have DNA replication going on-each chromosome generates an identical copy of itself attached at a point called a centromere. These copies later can be separated during Mitosis. One half of this duplicated chromosome is called by this name.

What is a (sister) chromotid?


Your mother and father are both heterozygous for an autosomal gene that results in Huntington's disease (HD). This is the percentage chance that their offspring also exhibit the disease.


Explanation: (25% of the offspring will be homozygous dominant, 50% will also be heterozygous like the parents. These genotypes will result in HD. Homozygous recessive individuals (remaining 25%) would not exhibit HD.)


Named after the scientist who discovered them, these rules state that in DNA, the quantity of adenine equals thymine, and the quantity of guanine equals cytosine.

Who is Erwin Chargaff?


Cross over events are used to increase genetic variability within a population. A cross over event occurs during this phase during Meiosis.

What is Prophase I?

NOTE: (Prophase is incorrect. Prophase is part of Mitosis.)

Information encoded in a DNA sequence that often codes for a functional protein.

What is a gene?

Note: (See gene expression, transcription, translation).


Adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine are the four nucleotides that compose DNA. While similar in structure, this region of the nucleotide differs so that each nucleotide is distinct.

What is the nitrogenous base portion of the nucleotide?


Your mother has type A blood while your father has type B blood. You have type O blood. The scientific rational for this (besides infidelity) is as such.

What is your parents are both heterozygous?

Explaination: (Your mother's blood type is IAIO and your father is IBIO) both parents would a recessive allele IO that they could donate to you and your resulting blood-type would be IoIo or O type blood.)


This 1952 experiment confirmed prior research that DNA, not protein was the genetic material responsible for inheritance. They used bacteriophages and radioactive labeling to detect the DNA.

What is the Hershey-Chase Experiment by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase?


This phase immediately follows the phase in mitosis after the chromosomes have been aligned to the midline of the cell.

What is anaphase?


This is what distinguishes a banana from a chimpanzee (genetically speaking)

What is the DNA sequence? 

Note: (All living things on earth come from ultimately a common ancestor, the sequence of the DNA is what distinguishes one species from another-at least on some level. See also the structure of DNA, biodiversity, variation).

The order of biomacromolecules that information flows through according to the central dogma of biology.

What is DNA to RNA to Amino Acids/Protein?

Note: (See central dogma of molecular biology) DNA to RNA via transcription, (RNA modifications) then RNA to Amino acids via translation, then protein folding into a functional protein.


Your mother had a father that was colorblind. Your father's family has no history of colorblindness going back generations. If your parents had another child, (surprise!) This is the probability that your parents would give you a baby brother who is colorblind.


Explanation: (Create a Punnett square to visualize. Colorblindness is a X-linked recessive trait. Your mother receives an X chromosome from your grandfather and grandmother, however the one from her father would have a recessive allele for colorblindness meaning that your mother is a carrier). Your father's line is has the dominant normal vision allele. There is a 50% chance of male vs. female due to X and Y chromosomes and there is a 50% chance that the boys would have normal or colorblind vision depending which X chromosome is received from Mom Resulting in an overall percent chance of a colorblind boy of 25%).


The Law of Dominance was established by this theological botanist before the discovery of chromosomes and refers to how alleles on traits that bear his name interact.

Who is Gregor Mendel?

Note: (See Mendellian and Non-Mendellian inheritance and it's associated terms)


During anaphase II of Meoisis the X-chromosome fails to separate from it's homologous pair in a gamete. Later on the germ cell that was missing it's X-chromosome meets a regular gamete through the process of fertilization, ultimately resulting in the formation of a zygote that has only a single X chromosome resulting in this genetic disorder that results in developmental issues due to incorrect gene dosage.

What is Turner syndrome?

Note: (Review the list of genetic disorders for Week 8 as part of the Week 8 Discussion Post/Group Project. It may also be useful to meet with your group after the exam to do the group project).


Caused by UV radiation, Pyrimidine dimers form when pyrimidine nucleotides (C and/or T) break their hydrogen bonds with the complimentary purine bases on the other DNA strand, and instead form hydrogen bonds with adjacent pyrimidine nucleotides on the same DNA strand. Pyrimidines are known for this distinguishing feature from purines.

What is a single ring in the nitrogenous base?

Note: (Pyrimadines (T/C also U) have one ring, but purines have two rings (A/G) within the nitrogen bases). 


This process occurs after transcription and before translation, where various introns are removed so that the mRNA results in a strand of coding exons.

What is RNA modifications or RNA splicing?

Note: Review the central dogma of biology. It is probably one, if not the most important things that will carry to future nursing courses. Remember it includes DNA replication and gene expression (transcription + translation).


Your mother has discovered a pedigree chart of your family that tracks a autosomal trait (such as cystic fibrosis) in your father's lineage. She knows that your father's mother was homozygous dominant for the allele and that your father's father was homozygous recessive for the allele. As such, your father is described by this symbol on the pedigree chart.

What is a square that is half-colored, due to being heterozygous? 

Note: (See pedigree symbols, testcross, punnett squares)


A famous X-ray crystallographer whose work helped Watson and Crick unravel the spiral double helix structure of DNA.

Who is Rosalind Franklin?

(See History of DNA)