Planting Calendar 1
Planting Calendar 2

Why is it a problem if a compost pile is too wet?

It can go anaerobic


What is ascending and descending moon?

Ascending moon is when it's path across the sky is becoming higher. Descending moon is when its path is becoming lower, closer to the horizon.


What is meant by phases of the moon?

Phases of the moon refer to how much of the moon that we see is illuminated by the sun; new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter, back to new moon.


For a cow, what percent of its body weight will it eat in a day?



How often is it recommended to turn a Biodynamic compost pile?

Once, after 2 to 4 months


What it the effect of a high C:N in a compost pile?

A pile that does not heat up and takes a long time to decompose. More fungi in the pile


What is apogee and perigee?

Apogee is when the moon is at the point in its orbit that is farthest from the earth. Perigee is where it is closest to the earth.


Why is descending moon period designated as transplanting time?

The descending moon favors root growth.


Give one example of S.A.U.

A 1000# dry cow or 5 sheep


How is the valerian compost prep added to a compost pile?

Stir in water for 10 minutes then pour half of it down the 6th hole in the compost pile and spray the rest over the whole pile.


What is the effect of low C:N in a compost pile?

It heats up and decomposes quickly. Nitrogen can be lost as ammonia.


What are nodes of the moon?

When the moon crosses the ecliptic.


What effect do nodes of the moon have on plant growth?

It is a negative effect.


What does S.A.U. stand for?

Standard Animal Unit


The Unified Field of Consciousness creates everything from within itself. What principle of Biodynamic agriculture reflects this principle?

The farm as an individual. Providing the needs of the farm from within the farm.


Why is it a problem if compost is too dry?

Microbes go dormant and composting process stops.


What is precession of the equinoxes?

The equinoxes gradually come when the sun is at an earlier position in the zodiac due to the wobble of the earth's axis. It takes about 26,000 years for it to make a full circle and come back to where it was. That means the sun moves one degree in about 72 years.


What plant parts are favored by planting when the moon is in an earth sigh, a air sign, a water sign, and a fire sign?

Earth sign favors root growth. Air sign favors flower growth. Water sign favors leaf growth. Fire sign favors fruit and seeds.


How does rotational grazing mimic nature?

It mimics the movemento of buffalo herds across the prairie and Great Plains. Bunched up movement, concentrated manure, a bite off of plants and move on.


Who is Ehrenfried Pfeiffer?

A pioneer in Biodynamic agriculture, brought Biodynamics to North America. He developed several fomulations of Biodynamic preps to make them easier to apply, including a compost starter, field and garden spray.


What are 2 ways to provide aeration in a compost pile?

Turn the pile. Add more bulky materials. Air channels or tubes.


The moon exerts its effect on plants mainly through what substance?



What is a trine?

Two planets are at a 120 degree angle from each other as seen from earth. They are both in a sign of the zodiac that has the same effect on plant growth, resulting in a stronger effect.


Name the 3 types of posts Kris uses for building his perimeter and paddock fences.

Corner (fiberglass or wood), Line (rigid PVC), Temporary (plastic step in)


Who is Maria Thun?

She performed experiments to determine how plants respond to the moon and planets.