Ability to evade immune response
What is pathogenesis?
Inflammation of the lining of the chambers and valves of the heart
What is infective/ bacterial endocarditis?
The first step in bacterial biofilm formation
What is attachment?
Biofilms lead to frequent need for ________
What are surgical interventions?
Biofilms help to grow and establish these
What are chronic infections?
Number of dimensions of complex biofilm structure
What is 3?
Possible result of untreated endocarditis
What is fatality?
The second step in bacterial biofilm formation
What is EPS production?
Mortality rate of patients with bacterial endocarditis
What is 25%?
Formation of biofilms protects from these
What are immune system defenses?
Provided by biofilms for bacteria
What are long established survival mechanisms?
Number of people in the US that are diagnosed with endocarditis each year
What is 47,000?
The third step in bacterial biofilm formation
What is biofilm maturation?
_________ is hard to achieve in cases of bacterial endocarditis
What is successful eradication?
The acronym MRSA stands for
What is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Three types of microorganisms typically involved with biofilms
What are bacteria, fungi, and protists?
A complication of bacterial endocarditis that causes extensive inflammation throughout a person’s body
What is sepsis?
The fourth step in bacterial biofilm formation
What is biofilm dispersal/ detachment?
The reason why bacterial endocarditis is hard to treat (and patients stay sick longer)
What is not susceptible to all antibiotics?
Antibiotic that S. aureus is 100% resistant to
What is benzylpenicillin?
Three bacteria that cause approximately 80% of bacterial endocarditis cases
What are staphylococci, streptococci, and enterococci?
Diagnostic test used to diagnose endocarditis; allows lab to isolate specific infection-causing bacteria
What are blood cultures?
Where most bacterial biofilms form in/ on the heart
What are aortic and mitral valves?
Failed complete eradication of biofilm-growing bacteria leads to patients undergoing...
What is cardiac surgery?
Patients receive targeted antibiotic therapy based on microbial identification and __________
What are antimicrobial resistance profiles?